Chapter 20

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((Honestly, this is a filler chapter. Not even gonna lie. But also, it gives a little more backstory as to why your dad hates werewolves so much I guess. Anyway, enjoy! ^^))

((Also, thanks for over 3300 Views! You guys are so awesome, and sorry that this chapter had to be late. Have my schedule right now, and I would hope you'd understand.))


I walked along the street, heading down the road towards our school. I lived within walking distance, so there was no need to own a car or anything. Maybe a bike, though. I shrugged to myself as I continued thinking, unaware to the presence of a young man next to me.

"Hi!" A deep, excited voice interrupted me from my thoughts. I looked over, a frustrated scowl growing on my face as I looked at a fellow Junior, though I've never seen him before, with black hair and brown eyes. Already there was a sort of impressive stubble on his face. He beamed at me, his brown eyes full of life. "Sorry, I'm new here. Actually, new to schooling, to be honest," he continued without invitation.

I tilted my head curiously, wondering what he meant by that. The whole, "new to schooling" thing. Maybe he was homeschooled before this? I raised an eyebrow in his direction, slowly beginning to smile, not as agitated as I was earlier.

"Were you home schooled?" I questioned, purely curious due to his wording.

"Well I guess you could say that," he laughed in response, smiling back at me. For someone new, he really was pretty happy. Most students were pretty stressed out since this was the middle of the school year and all, and a move to a new town was probably one of the worst things to happen to you.

"So, uh...what's your name?" I smiled back, matching his grin, hoping that he'll respond.

"I'm Drake. It's nice to meet you," he responded, dipping his head lightly.

"Drake...that certainly is a unique name. I'm Gordon, by the way," I added on, looking up at the doors of the school, a little surprised we had reached it this fast. Then again, I guess conversation does pass time fairly quickly.

"Well, I've gotta get to my first class," I tell Drake, scooting away from him slightly, grabbing my I.D. from my pocket and swinging it around my neck, heading into the building to go to my first class. Walking forward, I could hear Drake quickly following me. For a Junior, he sure acts like a child. Shaking my head, his rapid footsteps following behind me, I walked to my first hour class, Drake following me in.

"Is this the first class of the day?" He asked me curiously, looking around the classroom, earning a few strange looks from the other students sitting in the classroom.

"Well, it is for me, but I don't know if it is for you. I mean, don't you have your schedule?" I raised an eyebrow at him, crossing my arms. He seemed to think a while before shaking his head.

"I think I remember being handed something like that, but I don't remember much about it. I didn't really look at it," he replied impishly. I shook my head, looking at the teacher for a moment before walking over.

"Excuse me, Mr. Walker? May I help the new student to his first class?" He smiled at me, looking down at his paper.

"Well, what is his name, then?" He asked, looking over his list of students for this hour.

"Umm...his name is Drake. I don't know his last name, sir," I replied, looking back at him, motioning for him to get closer.

"Well, lucky for you, he's in this class." I sighed, letting a smile lift the corners of my mouth.

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