Chapter 6 : New Information

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* a/n just a heads up that there will be a snippet of Cat's point of view in this that is in relation to Rose's point of view. It just explains what happens whilst Rose isn't in the room. *

Rose's P.O.V. 

I sat silently with the girl for a few hours. She didn't speak much, her eyes glazed as though she were delving into her memories for something. If she even had any.
Finally she cleared her throat.
"My name is Cat. I don't know my last name, I don't know anything except that I need to get out of here. I have this feeling that.. That theres  somebody out there waiting for me. I can picture who it is.. I just can't.. I can't remember his name.." Her voice was frustrated but when
I looked up I saw she was dead serious, a pleading look in her eyes.
"Newt." I said to her. The air filled with silence and I could feel her eyes on me as I stared at my hands, twisting them together anxiously. It was something I had always done to ease my nerves when in situations that made me uncomfortable.
It was the first time I had spoken to her since I came into the room and it was to tell her something about her life, when I should know less than she did.
"How did you-"
"You were taking about him earlier." I mumbled, still staring down at my hands.
She exhaled heavily and slumped against the table.
"Why can't I remember that? Why can't I remember who Newt is?" She whispered more to herself than to me.
Curiosity poked at my brain, wondering why she couldn't remember him, almost convincing me to ask the questions milling around in my confused mind.
But before I could even contemplate doing that, the lady from earlier, Ava, was stepping into the room, a needle filled with a teal blue liquid in her hands.
"You may take a break Rose. I would like some
time to.. Get to know Cat here." My eyes fixed on the needle and I hesitated to leave, standing in the doorway.
She raised her eyebrows and smiled impatient to at me.
"What is that?" I asked nervously, pointing at the needle in her hand.
She looked at it and took her time to reply, making it difficult for me to believe she was telling the truth.
"Just alittle concoction of all the vitamins and such that this girl needs to-"
"Cat." I interrupted, my lips shaking slightly at the amount of effort I had to put in to speaking, let alone interrupting somebody.
"Well it's all of the things that Cat here hasn't been provided with in a long time. Nothing to worry about." She made a shooing gesture with her hands, a disdainful look on her face.
I scurried out of the room keeping my head down as I went, not willing to argue with her or provoke her, it wasn't worth it.
The girl, Cat, would be fine.. Surely?

Cat's P.O.V.
(remember, this is just to explain what happens whilst Rose is out of the room. The next chapter will go back to Cat's point of view being in the past tense)

The lady in front of me waited till the girl, Rose, left the room, then turned to me with a smirk.
"So Cat is the name they gave you then?" Her gaze was full of malice and she smiled like a cunning fox cornering in its prey.
I pursed my lips tightly and refused to answer.
Not that I knew who the they she referred to was.
I may have little memory of who I was, or who I had been with before being here but I knew that I wasn't supposed to be here, on this table or in this sterile environment. My heart ached like it was a trapped bird that needed the freedom of the bright blue sky.
Only my cage was this building and my blue sky was anywhere but here, especially near this lady.
As if reading my mind the lady laughed, her laugh high pitched and annoying. If I could cover my ears I would have done, but my arms were strapped down, painfully tightly, to the cold and hard bench beneath me.
"Oh dear. You are more useless than we originally thought."
A ringing noise sounded in my ears, so high it was painful, although I wasn't sure it wasn't real pain when I saw the lady pulling a needle out of my arm.
How I hadn't felt it go in I had no idea but now I could feel heat coursing through me from the point it had gone in, seeming to turn my bones into soft tissue although I knew if I were to press my fingers down on my skin hard enough I would find it to be physically as hard as normal.
I had no idea what had just put in me, not a single clue but it frightened me.
"What was that!" I snarled at her angrily, pulling desperately at the leather straps holding me down.
She said nothing, taking two steps away; I wasn't sure whether to be pleased that I had intimidated her or scared that it may have something to do with whatever was now flowing through my veins, making my vision swim and giving everything a slight fuzz around the edges.
"We did a run through the system. We know what you did Scarlet."
My heart fluttered in my chest like a frightened bird in a cage. She said a name that was unfamiliar to me yet all too familiar.
And then it hit me.
"My memories." I gasped, my body stilling from the writhing motions to being completely frozen.
"Yes. The serum I've injected into you will slowly bring back all of your memories. All of them." She speaks quietly but I hear each word with crystal clarity.
"Oh. And it may hurt." Theres no sympathy in her voice at what she's done to me, she has no idea what she's done. She doesn't care that I didn't want them back, that having those memories back could mean I might betray people who were probably important to me.

And then the room starts to dim or maybe it's the serum, dimming everything.
There are images in my mind, flashes of memories and I'm hit with a tidal wave of every different emotion I've ever felt in my life.
Most of the images consist of a plain white room, a small bed in the left hand corner, and a desk with a screen and slim glass keyboard.
This is where I spent most of eight years of my life.
And then a boy with sandy blonde hair, laughing brown eyes and a square jaw ending in a slightly pointed chin. His name took longer to come than the names of others, but it did eventually.
Newt, he had been in the maze, somehow he had gotten out a nagging doubt in my mind told me I had had something to do with that because I had fallen in love with him before he was sent into the maze.
And then came the tide of memories with Newt in them, accompanied by a warm sensation in my heart. And then.. Pain. Pain like I had never felt before as I became fully encompassed in the memory, everything else blacking out around me and the memory becoming the room around me.

Newt sat up from the operating table, hand raised to his head, a dazed and confused expression on his face. 
I rushed to the glass that separated us and pressed my face against it, yelling to him.
He looked up at me, even more confused, as though I were a complete stranger to him.
"He won't remember you." A male voice is saying. I don't turn to face the speaker but rage boils my blood and my fists curl tightly at my side.
"Why him!" I ask, keeping my voice as level as I can.
The man puts a hand on my shoulder, his voice dripping with fake sympathy.
"He was always going to have to go into the maze, you knew that. We warned you not to get close to the groups."
And then the speaker was gone, leaving me to my self-pity and grief as I watched the skinny boy that would never again look at me with love in his eyes.

My brain shut down, preventing my mind from taking in any more emotional pain from memories.

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