The Imperial Armada

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Above Lure'an lurked a great evil, the heart of the Galactic Empire was stationed here with an entire fleet at hand along with their new pride and joy, the Death Star. Several Star Destroyers were clumped together near the gigantic space station within close distances of each other, whilst a few others were further away from all the activity and spread out. Commander Lytton was stationed onboard the larger ship as he was the fleets commander, and proud to be so. 
"Sir, Moff Tarkin wishes to speak with you", an officer informed Lytton.
"Very well". Lytton walked off the bridge and his polished boots were notably loud against the cold hard floor of  a spaceship. Tarkin was waiting for him in hologram form.
"Ah, Lytton, we haven't spoken since your successful attack on Sullust, I take it things went as planned?"
"Aside from losing two Star Destroyers at the hands of the Kesha Military it was an eventual victory, my forces are trained in making sure we do not suffer any defeat."
"Well, either way that's another system under Imperial control, I take it you haven't been ordered to battle again?"
"No sir, the Emperor said that it is best to station the fleet here until further orders."
"Well now you're going to take orders from me, I want you to send a large task force down to Lure'an. Intelligence reports that there may be Jedi hiding below us and they've been doing so for quite some time."
"Sir with all due respect, my troops shouldn't be sent there to engage contact with Jedi, if th-"
"Lytton, you said your forces ensure victory, what problem do two Jedi hold, are your men not up to the challenge?"
"I will send them down immediately, sir."
"To assist your troops I suggest you also send the Inquisitor, he will provide the attack force some much needed strength."
"As you wish sir, I'll make sure they are ready now."
Tarkins hologram faded away in a static breeze, and Lytton walked towards the bridge and an Imperial officer.
"Prepare the ground troopers for assault, and send the Inquisitor with them."
"Sir we have two troop transports on standby, shall we send a shock team too?"
"These Jedi match a regular attack in strength, shock troopers will be necessary."
"As you wish"
As the officer started to speak into the comlink, Lytton felt uneasy, displeasing Tarkin was the last thing he wanted to do, the Grand Moff has been know to have officers executed for failure, and he didn't exactly want to be next on the list.
Just as he was about to leave the bridge another officer alerted his attention.
"Commander, we have three enemy ships coming out of hyperspace, CIS class"
Lytton ran towards windows of the bridge and to his complete surprise, these three ships were heading straight for them. "What should we do"
"I'll have to inform Tarkin, sending the troops to Lure'an will have to wait."
The entire Star Destroyer bridge went frantic with officers and staff running in all directions, Lytton went back to the hologram projection room. "What is it now, Commander?"
"We have three Banking Clan frigates closing in on our fleet, what should we do?"
"Hmm, this is an interesting development, recognise them as instant enemies and throw all the fleets power against them, there will be nothing to stop the Empire."
But Tarkin, these are Separatist ships? I was aware they were extinguished on Mustafar at the end of the Clone Wars."
"They were so this is news to me just as much as it is you, I'm not sure who's leading this assault or why they are here but understand this, if you let them damage this space station, there will be severe consequences!"
Without saying a word more, Tarkin once again faded away and now it was up to Lytton to ensure the Death Star is protected from the Separatist frigates. All cruisers were put on high alert and the ones in charge of each ship all discussed tactics via hologram. One officer stated, "If we send all ships into attack formation the Death Star will be exposed from any unexpected attack, I suggest we bring them in closer so we achieve a greater defence."
Another officer replied "But they can still attack from long range and they may have an army of fighters to send at us, we need to open fire immediately here and now."
Lytton decided what was best, "we will let them make the first move, and retaliate after their attack."
"All due respect commander is tha-" Before the officer could say another word, the Separatist ships fired ion torpedoes at Cruiser 4's bridges, killing the captain & crew. The ship was disabled.
"Right, they've made their move, this means war..."

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