Separatist Attack

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As the enemy ships drew nearer towards the Imperial fleet it was clear that someone had to do something. Lytton was the head of the fleet so his word was final, "Ships two and four, I want you both to engage the enemy head on. Ships five and six stay near the Death Star and defend its centre.
"Where will you position yourself?"
"I'm going to assist the attack, men, make sure you do what it takes to stop these fools!"
All the officers disappeared from their holograms and proceeded to their tasks. But what they didn't know was that things were soon to get very nasty. The leader of the opposing side of the battle was General Entak, an un cowardly Nemoidian who had great experience from the Clone Wars. However he feared that this could be his last potential battle. "What is the status of their ships?" Inquired the general.
"Sir we have assessed their Star Destroyers and it appears that after we blew up one ship the others activated their shields." The droid replied.
"Then make it your top priority to take down those shields. Once they come closer the trap will be sprung", the general smirked as he rubbed his hands together.
"Roger Roger".
Back on the Imperial side of things they were already under threat. The Separatists were fighting long and hard against them. The fourth ships shield was already down 50%, Lytton had another plan ready. "Send our bombers to the enemy and take their shields down to a minimum"
"But Tarkin said not to-"
"Tarkin put me under control of this situation. So obey my command!"
"Yes.. sir.." The officer felt weak after being yelled at. The TIE bombers left the cruisers and made their attack run, in total there were around forty on hand. The Separatist cannons fired upon the bombers but weren't very good at taking on smaller ships. The bombing raids weren't entirely successful but as they made a few runs the shields the frigates used were crippled. General Entak was intrigued by this move made by the enemy. "Well if they think they're securing an early victory they have another thing coming, we will attack them ship to ship." Pouring out of the Banking Clan frigates came dozens of Vulture Droids, and Droid Gunships to counter the enemy. And since TIE bombers weren't great at fighting ships their size Lytton had to send several squadrons into the action.
"Our pilots are highly superior compared to their droid controlled fighters."
As the battle continued, neither side seemed to be showing any sign of defeat. Then as Lytton's ship moved forward the entire fleet was in for a shock. Two more Banking Clan Frigates came out of hyperspace, followed by a Separatist Dreadnought, the largest ship in the CIS fleet. As the crew of each bridge looked up in terror, Entak's grin grew wider. He could already sense a win for the Separatists...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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