||Chapter 4|| The Girl With The Red Framed Glasses

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Disclaimer: As always I don't own Transformers, only my OCs and plot twists.

NOTE: The above picture will be explained later on in the chapter.

"I could never forget you, you mean too much to me to be forgotten."
||Tanya's P.O.V||

"Please? For me?" I look up at the twins with my best set of puppy dog eyes I could muster, praying I wouldn't have to add in the lip quiver. I still had a reputation to keep up.

"I dunno Tai," Mudflap shakes his helm, glancing at his twin with uncertainty in his optics. "We gonna get in trouble if anyone finds out we smuggled you off base without them knowing."

"Yeah," Skids nodded, backing up his twin. "Boss Bot and the others are on edge enough as it, girl."

After I had calmed down from my little episode with Will and Optimus I started asking around to see if anyone was willing to drop me off at college- the place I should've been at instead of this imprisonment.

Though every time I asked they all immediately said no. Said something about "Sorry, we've got orders to not let you off base." and "Not until we've gotten permission." I'm only taking a wild guess here, but I'm just going to assume Will and Optimus were behind this.

Don't want me off base, huh? Well, I hate to break it to you two, but you're not going to keep me from living my life. Going to college is the only thing left that ties me to the normal world, everything else in my life is top government secret.

I want at least one normal thing in my life.

Is that so hard to ask for? Apparently so.

So what do I do when no one else is willing to help me because they have orders to follow?

I ask the two people I know who are terrible at following orders. No offense to them of course.

"Come on guys," I beg once again. "It's not like you're smuggling drugs or anything."

'No,' Sparky remarks. 'They're just smuggling a vulgar, teenage girl off an island.'

'You're not helping!'

"No...but we are smuggling you." Mudflap says, optic ridges furrowed. "And that's worse."

'Told you.'

I glare at the ground, and heave a sigh. Convincing these two is beginning to be harder than I thought it would be.

"Please," For a moment I let my reputation slip my mind, my voice holding as much emotion as I could muster. "Please...Just help me, guys. I want to live my life, and that means going to college with Sam." For a moment my face falls and my voice softens. "You guys want me to be happy right?"

So maybe I'm being a little unfair by guilt tripping them. But hey, when you're in my position you have to do whatever it takes to get what you want.

"Aw come on Tai! Don't do that...." I could tell by Mudflap's voice that he was slowly crumbling, and I couldn't help but internally smirk. "You know we can't resist it when you do that."

Which is exactly why I'm doing it my dear, dear Mudflap.

"Come on, bro." Skids shakes his helm. Now Skids...he was going to be a harder nut to crack. "Don't fall for her tricks, man."

"But bro, look at 'er face! How you can resist that face?" I look up Skids, giving him the look and make sure he can feel my feelings through the bond we shared.

"Please, Skids?" I gently tug on the bond. "For me?"

"You know you can't resist the face, bro." Mudflap remarks from his side. "No 'Bot can when it comes to her."

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