~1~ Forwards and Backwards

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Wonwoo was awoken by the sound of his alarm clock going off. The blaring sound rousing him from a dream now forgotten. He slammed on the off button and sat up in his bed. A soft, cool light coming from gaps in between the blinds. Dust particles were seen floating in the rays. Wonwoo groggily rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, adjusting to the surrounding light.

It was another school day in mid-September. The weather being cold, damp and gloomy due to four straight days of rain. He felt a bit strange about his sleep. Perhaps it was something about him forgetting his dream, he tried to think of what he was dreaming about. But he couldn't remember anything. But besides that he just felt weird today in general. Which was, well, strange. Considering today was just like any other.

Wonwoo stood up and went to the closet to put on his uniform. He slipped out of the t-shirt and pajama pants he was wearing in exchange for a crisp, white button-down shirt, a gray blazer, black pants and a maroon tie. It wasn't really a private school that he went to, just a formal, public one.

He trotted downstairs for breakfast. He was always up earlier than most of his family. But his mother always had breakfast ready when he was awake.

"Eat up, everything's still warm." She said, handing Wonwoo a plate. Wonwoo nodded and sat down at his place at the table.

His mother looked at him with slight concern, "Is everything alright Wonwoo? You seem more distant than usual." She said, sitting across from him.

He loved his mother, and his father and his siblings. But he just felt different from them. Especially today since he even felt different from himself.

"I'm fine, just feel a bit weird today." He said. Which was true, he felt as though he was going to do something wrong today, or something bad would happen. And that made him nervous, and when he's nervous, he's distant.

"You're welcome to take any medicine you need," His mother said, digging into her own serving of food. Wonwoo simply nodded and tried to eat as well.

He failed abysmally though. He felt as though his throat was constricted and thus made it almost impossible to eat anything. He settled on drinking a bit of orange juice and heading off to school a bit early.

Wonwoo walked all the way to school and to the lockers before anything eventful happened. He was certain that earlier this morning he was just overreacting, he almost felt bad for his mother having to deal with him being overly-dramatic.

But he thought wrong. He was just about to leave for the class he'd need to be at right as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Wonwoo yelped and dropped his bag, right onto the foot of person next to him. He looked alarmingly at the stranger. Said stranger yelled in pain as the heavy books dropped onto his foot. Wonwoo cringed internally, knowing he'd probably now get into a fight.

"I- I- sorry," Wonwoo said in fear, looking at the stranger.

Only then did Wonwoo notice who this person was. He had seen this person in classes, but he never knew who he was or got to examine him up-close.

"It's okay," Said the stranger, obviously in pain, "Probably just should have said excuse me."

The stranger looked into Wonwoo's eyes confusedly, as though he didn't understand why Wonwoo was scared. Wonwoo felt that this person could easily snap Wonwoo in half and how intimidating his facial features were. Yet this person acted kindly and dismissive of the fact Wonwoo practically assaulted him with his bag.

"D-D'you need to go to the nurse?" Wonwoo asked shakily, still scared that this person was mad.

"No, I should be fine," The other said, picking up Wonwoo's bag and handing it to him, "I'm alright, but you seem to have just seen a ghost." He said, smiling at Wonwoo. Wonwoo blushed, he noticed how attractive this person was. His smile practically changed his whole face, making the atmosphere with them seem less tense, and Wonwoo less scared and more cripplingly awkward.

"I- I'm fine." He stuttered, "I was just startled th-hats all." The person chuckled, making Wonwoo more embarrassed. The person placed a hand back on Wonwoo's shoulder, much more comfortingly and soothing rather than startling. Wonwoo practically melted into this boy's touch, eliminating any fear he had for appreciation of this person

"What's your name?" The person asked calmly, noticing how soothed Wonwoo seemed when he touched him and proceeded to rub circles onto Wonwoo's shoulder with his thumb.

"I- my name is Wonwoo." Wonwoo said, the nervous edge to his voice had left immediately, he tried not to sound like he was as dazed as he was.

"Nice to meet you Wonwoo, I'm Mingyu," The person said, smiling in response to Wonwoo warming up to him. Mingyu glanced subconsciously between Wonwoo's eyes and his slightly parted lips, his expression neutral.

Wonwoo watched Mingyu and realized his mouth was open. He quickly closed it and looked at the floor, wanting to dissolve into it for not realizing how rude it was, staring at him.

He couldn't see Mingyu's face, but his eyes shot upwards to look at him when he put a hand on Wonwoo's hip.

"Sorry," Said Mingyu with guilt, quickly removing both hands from Wonwoo, Wonwoo immediately felt sorry for being sensitive and deeply missed the feeling of Mingyu almost holding him.

What was even going on? Why did he feel so at home with this person he barely met 10 minutes ago? Why did he yearn for the touch he didn't even know he wanted in the first place?

"I-It's fine." Wonwoo stated, closing his eyes and tilting his head back down to face the floor, feeling ashamed.

They stood there in silence for a little bit before, "Are you okay Wonwoo?" Asked Mingyu, sounding as ashamed as Wonwoo felt. Wonwoo looked back up to see a concerned and upset Mingyu, his hands balled into fists and looking like he was about to burst into tears or punch something. Something being Wonwoo. Wonwoo saw Mingyu's fists and his eyes widened. Feeling he knew what was about to happen, he glanced at Mingyu panickedly and ran away, feeling like Mingyu was going to run after him.

But to his surprise, he didn't.

Wonwoo was used to people chasing after him if he tried to run, people wanting to hurt him, people balling up their fists just like Mingyu. But a part of him knew Mingyu had no intention of hurting Wonwoo. He was just upset and trying not to hurt him physically. But Wonwoo had been naïve about that too many times. He didn't want to get hurt.

But part of him wanted to go back. As though Mingyu was the one person that wanted to protect him, not hurt him. But he couldn't seek comfort in the touch of the person that wanted to hurt him, if he did want to hurt him that is.

But why did he want Mingyu to hold him and tell him it was alright then?

But just then, Wonwoo heard the bell ring. He wondered why it hadn't rang earlier, but realized that he was about a half-hour early. Any plan about going back and talking to Mingyu would have to wait until after class. There was no time left now.

So Wonwoo gripped his book bag firmly and ran to class, hoping he wouldn't be late. Also hoping he could sort out what he felt for Mingyu.


//Yes? No? I'm kinda rusty since I took a giant break over the holidays. But tell me what y'all think! I really like it so far but I'll definitely have a new chapter out for you guys if you like it :3 Alrighty! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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