Chapter 2

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Sunhee POV
I woke up and tried to sit up but then I felt a sharp pain on my forehead and touched it to feel what was a plaster.

I managed to pull myself up to sit and looked around. I was amazed by what I saw. A grand suite.

The bed I was sat in was master size with a blood red colour, I noticed the room was pure white with beautiful decorations, It was quite grand.

My house was grand it's self but this was very beautiful. I was in a trance till my heart dropped.

How in hell did I get here? I didn't bode well with situations like this when panic settled in.

I began having a panic attack, I was shaking, sweating, squealing and crying just when two long arms wrapped around me in a strong and warm embrace.

"Hey hey hey, Shhhhh, It's alright, You're safe" It was him...I calmed slowly but he kept a tight warm hold on me.

While stroking my hair and patting my back softly. I managed to choke out a few words, tears still slipping from my eyes "Who are you, How did I get here"

He pulled away from the embrace and wiped my tears. I finally looked at my mysterious man "SUNGJAE?!" I yelled and he laughed a little and nodded, his blonde hair falling to a slide.

I was so shocked the school bad boy that every girl liked helped me "I don't usually help people but when I saw you there on the floor bleeding...I guess something inside me just told me I needed to help you"

I looked down in embarrassment "Sorry you had to waste your time" I stood slowly and noticed I wasn't in my uniform but in a oversized shirt and I looked at him quickly "D-Did...You..." He stood too.

"I had to they were dirty and bloody" I went bright red and covered my face, I wanted to hit him but I figured I should just stay calm and I just nodded "I understand, Are they clean?"

He walked out and I sat down again thinking how stressful this day has been, He walked back in and handed them to me "Here" I did a little head bow "Thank you" I went into the bathroom and got changed fixing myself up.

I walked out and holding his shirt he had put on me "I'll take it home and wash it" He shook his head and reached for it. I laughed and smiled for the first time in ages as I dodged his reach.

He smirked and tackled me but I managed to avoid it. I moved back quickly I tripped and fell back on the bed, He fell too but forward...

Landing centre on top of me on all fours though. I blushed and looked at the position. He blushed too but then we looked in each others eyes and burst out laughing.

He got off me and stood up. I sat up and he got down on one knee "I know we just met properly for the first time in ages and this is quite sudden"

He pulled out box."But will you be my friend again? Best friend? Only friend?" I was so shocked and he opened the box that revealed a two silver matching rings.

One slightly smaller one with the letters carved in on one side saying 'Sungjae' and the other side saying 'Best Friends For Eternity', The other slightly bigger one with the letters carved in saying 'Sunhee' and on the other side saying 'Best Friends For Eternity'

He looked up at me and I was so overwhelmed he would do this for me, my eyes teared up. "Of course" He put the ring saying Sungjae on the ring finger of my right hand.

He put the one saying Sunhee on the ring finger of his right hand. I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

"I know we stopped being friends in the beginning of high school but I regret ignoring you when all the girls liked me when we entered, I was overwhelmed, as you know no one had liked me before and-"

I cut him off and smiled "I know, I understand and its okay, I hold nothing against you, I'm just glad we are friends again"


Ever since Sungjae and I became friends again I moved out of my parents house, much to their disagree. I was living with Sungjae, Life was great. We graduated early and got stable jobs.

I as a dance teacher. Sungjae continuing with his career as a Kpop idol in BTOB which meant he was hardly at home so I was alone most of the time.

But that was okay he was living his dream and I was living my dream as the NO.1 Dance teacher in all of Korea. I just turned 18 a month ago and Sungjae is 23 but due to his wealthy background he managed to go to school with me and graduate with me too.

All of the entertainment companies were trying to recruit me as a dance instructor and personal trainer for one of their groups. But I kept declining till I can decide properly.

Hope you are all enjoying this book, I hope this chapter is up to your standards and liking. Thank you for reading.

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