It's Alex

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"Alright, so what's your first class?" Caroline asked me, her brows raised. "History with Alaric Saltzman." I answered, she nodded, "Luckily that's what class I'm going to." Caroline said eagerly and clapped her hands out of happiness. I think I just made a friend. I smiled at her and she walked with me to History. "Alright class we have a new student, Alexandra Russo." Mr. Saltzman announced. I mentally slapped myself, I hate when people call me Alexandra. "Alexandra would you like to announce yourself to the class?" He asked me, I would usually not participate in stuff like this but since I hate when people call me Alexandra I might as well tell them to call me Alex, and that means I have to announce myself.

I sighed but nodded and stared at the class. "Hi, I'm Alexandra Russo but call me Alex, I hate when people call me Alexandra. I moved here from Manhattan, and that's all you need to know." I said with a fake smile. Caroline gave me a thumbs up signaling I did a great announcement, I smiled and rolled my eyes. I sat at the back of the class, Caroline was sitting in front of me, and a guy was sitting next to me. Boy was he cute. Caroline noticed I was starring at him and shook her head with a smile on her face.

"Matt." She whispered to me. I looked at her in confusion. "His name is Matt." She whispered again, my mouth turned into a shape of an o, and I whispered thank you to which she replied back  with a nod. But something felt weird I felt eyes on me, it wasn't Caroline looking at me, and it wasn't Matt either. I looked around the class for my 'stalker' and found the boy sitting on my right tarring at me. I raised a brow at him. and he leaned in but looked up to make sure the teacher wasn't starring at us, "Stefan Salvatore."

He said in a whisper. I smiled at him. "Alex." I replied, and we shook hands. Ok I got to admit that Matt guy was cute, but this Stefan guy was hot. I turned back to the teacher paying 'attention' to him. Yeah no, who am I kidding? I felt his eyes on me which made me blush but I decided to ignore him the rest of the time. Little did I know that he noticed my blush and smiled at me.


I was looking for my locker, yes I needed Caroline's help again. "Oh your right next to my friends locker." Caroline said, I furrowed my eyebrows. "You see that brunette over there?" She asks me pointing in the direction of the brown-haired girl. I nodded in response. "She'll help you, her name is Elena and just tell that your my friend and that your new and tell her your locker number." Caroline says taking a big breather. I chuckled, "A lot of and's in that sentence." I said, she smiled and nodded. I walked to where the girl called 'Elena' was. "Excuse me." I said tapping her shoulder, and she turned around. I'm guessing she was talking to her friend. "Yeah, I'm new here, and I'm a friend of Caroline's and she told me to tell you, if you could help. She said its right next to your locker."

I said, she nodded and smiled softly. "I'm Alex Russo by the way." I said sweetly a smile on my face. A soft smile plastered her face. "Elena Gilbert."

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