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Amber POV

I sit on the bed Sofia grabs a bean bag Aaron pulls up a chair besides her  and matt sits at the edge of the bed besides me

"Aaron can I trust you not to tell anyone anything"

"yea i promise cross my heart and hope to die"

more like cross your heart or else ill die**personal thought

"Espinosa same for you this stays between us"

"no prob I promise"

"ok everyone this is so hard to say, i have mental issues and matt i was trying to tell you that yesterday but you seemed to not take it seriously and I went off on you and I'm sorry"

"Amber tell them the specifics please its the only way they'll know you have to tell them your condition or else they might not understand"

"Sofia can you explain please"

Sofia's POV

"ok both of you I don't want you to tell anyone or say anything  i will hut you if you hurt Amber"

I lean towards alice to whisper "Amber I really think you should id mean more comin from you they might understand more"

After that Amber when off pacing around the room in a loud ass way

"fine, Matthew, Aaron I have lots of mental disorders I am suffering from Depression, Anxiety and i have had suicidal attempts and I also have Koinoniphobia which is the reason I got freaked out when you mentioned all those people and screamed"

I had to explain"Amber isn't familiar with those people you mentioned and she has a fear being in social circumstances she should meet them all one by one I could be with her if it helps"

I'm not sure what Amber was thinking and I think id do the same thing if I was her she ran out 

I told Aaron and matt to stay in the room while I chased after her


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