chapter idk?¿

16 2 4

My eyes battle against the feeling but loss the battle the last I heard was
"AMBER RODRIGUEZ" it was a male voice
"SOFIA CAROLINA"this time it was female
the figure shook me and and I groaned in response it was all I could do
"Rodriguez is up how's Carolina"the male reported
"she's fine wasn't that bad she's able to walk on her own" the female responded
I woke up with my arms bandaged up and a stomach pump
It took a while to see where I was I was at a hospital
I looked around Matthew was next to me
His arm was wraped againsed my waist and he was holding my hand
I assume he just fell asleep
I had no energy what so ever so I laid there
I cuddled against matt and I woke him up
"Amber?" His voice was raspy I guess he'd been asleep a while
"Matthew?" I looked at him confused
He kissed me onthe cheek but He acted like its the fist time he's ever seen me
"NURSE!!!!!...DOCTOR!!!!.." He yelled as he got out of the bed I was so confused
"Yes mr.espinosa" the nurse walked in and gasped
"DOCTOR" she yelled and ran out the room
Why the hell is everyone acting weird
"AMBER" I hear yelling it sounded Sofia
She Ran in and hugged me and all I saw was her stomach
"Girl you need to lay off Starbuck your gain a lot of weight"
I laughed histericaly
Matt and Sofie exchanged glances and then she started to speak
"Amber I'm....I'm not fat"
"Honey yes u are" I responded as sassily as I could and snapped my fingers
"No amber..... I'm pregnant"
My jaw dropped my head throbbed I lean back on the bed
I let out a painced sigh and said
"How long was I out for"

Matthew Espinosa fanfic~°im not ok°~Where stories live. Discover now