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Samantha Lahey^^

I Woke up to my alarm and screamed, today was my brithday!! I was turning 19 years of age!! I jumped up onto my bed and started bouncing on it.

My bedroom door opened and in came a smiling Samantha, my best friend, she took off her shoes off and then started jumping on my bed.

"You're turning 19 years old. I'm already 19 years old. Happy birthday!!" Samantha yelled and then we fell down onto my bed.

We got on our phones and started looking through our social media. My phone started buzzing with alerts. I looked at it and saw that four guys went missing 2 days ago. I rolled my eyes and clicked on it. The four guys were very hot, I would date all of them.

"Hey, look at this. Four guys- all best friends -went missing two days ago. They're kinda hot." I showed Samantha and she nodded. Their are Calum, Ashton, Luke, and Michael. I felt like I knew those names....but from where?

"They're so fucking sexy. But anyway, here is my birthday present to you." Samantha handed me a rectangular wrapped up present. I opened it and saw a barbie doll, it was an Asian barbie doll. Except this one had an punk rock sense of fashion.

"An Asian barbie doll? Where did you get this? I mean, I have nothing against Asians but...why not a girl barbie doll? Hold on, why did you get me a barbie doll in the first place?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"When I was walking from my house to yours, some old lady came up to me and handed this to me. She said, be careful when you sleep at night. So that scared me shitless and I wrapped it up with your mom's wrapping paper. She also said that she would be back, she's going to get the pizza and cake." She tells me and I stare back at the box. The Asian guy was staring at me, all creepy and threw the box into the corner.

"But I have another gift, it's not another creepy doll. Here." She handed me a birthday card and I opened it to see my crush's digits.

"Are you serious? You got Carter's number for me? I love you so much!" I put his number into my contacts and debate on whether I should text him or not.

"I hope you two are hungry because we're having pizza and cake for breakfast. I hope, Samantha, you can spend the night tonight." My mom peeked her head through and said. Samantha looked at me for reassurance and I nodded my head.

"I can call her and ask...I'm pretty sure she'll say yes though. Do you have to go to work tonight?" Samantha asked my mom and my mom sighed.

"Sadly I do, but I'll only be gone for 6 hours." My mom said only as if she was going to be gone for an hour.

"Only six hours? Mom that's a long time... when do you go to work?" I asked her and she sighed again.

"I leave in an hour, so at 12pm." It's 11:24 am right now so she had less than an hour. I got up and grabbed Samantha's and my mom's hand, dragging them downstairs.

"Okay, first the presents then we can eat. I'm doing this backwards today." As soon as I sat down on the couch someone covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" I instantly knew who it was, my dad. I jumped onto the couch and into his arms. I haven't seen him in 10 months, he's in the Navy. The Navy had to go on a 10 month deployment to Japan.

"I'm so happy you're here!" I got down and sat back on the couch. My dad on my right and Samantha on my left.

"Okay, this present is from me. You have four more after this from me." My mom said and handed me a rectangular box. I opened it and saw it was another one of those creepy dolls. I looked at Samantha and saw her eyes wide open.

"T-thank you mom. How about the other ones?" My mom handed me all of them and I opened them. Two of them were the same creepy dolls and the two I had. And then the other one was Justin Bieber's new album Purpose.

My dad handed me his gift and it was a snowglobe, a t-shirt, and Japanese money (but it was in a frame). I thanked everyone and then we all ate.

After we ate, my dad left and went back to his house (my parents are divorced). And then my mom went to work. Samantha and I went to her house and grabbed her clothes and came back.

But what we saw in my room was....

To Be Continued. . .

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