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Four boys. They looked exactly like the guys on the news. They looked up at Samantha and I, and smirked. They walked towards us and the asian one touched me.

"You know, it's not nice to throw things right? How would you like it if I threw you?" He smirked, and grabbed my neck. Samantha screamed and tried to run but the guy with dirty blonde hair caught her.

"Go get two chairs and duck tape. We're about to have some fun." The blonde haired guy said and the red head listened. I guess the blonde headed one was the leader or something.

The Asian had loosened his grip around my neck, so I wasn't struggling to breath that bad. I gripped onto Samantha's hand and intertwined our fingers.

The red head told the guys holding Samantha and I to follow him, and they carried us over their shoulder. I looked at the blonde headed one and tried to remember which boy he was.


"Luke, may I ask why you guys are doing this?" I asked him and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"How do you know my name?" He looked like he wanted to murder me since I knew his name.

"You guys are on the news. I know all of your names. Calum, Ashton, you, and Michael." Suddenly I was put onto a chair and then Calum started taping me to it. Ashton did the same to Samantha.

After they finished taping us to the chairs, they moved us so we were facing each other. I got scared because Luke came back with a kitchen knife. It was the size of the one that Chucky used in the movies.

"We're going to play a game. It's called, uh...what should it be called?" Luke turned to the other guys and they huddled up. "Okay, it's called Telling The Truth."

"That's the worst name ever. But whatever, what are the rules." Samantha said and I snickered. Then we looked at each other and we busted out laughing.

"Shut up!" Luke yelled, "When does your parents come back?"

"My mom comes back in an hour. My dad doesn't live with us." I lied about what time my mom comes home. I heard someone scoff.

"She's lying, I heard their conversation when I was a doll. Her mom doesn't come back for 6 hours." Calum said and Luke walked up to me.

"Woah, you just lied. You have four more times to tell a lie, before I stab you in your thigh." He said and I started crying. What the hell made them turn mean?

"Luke, come on. Don't hurt them like that." One of the guys said, I'm guessing it was Ashton because I haven't heard his voice before.

"Shut up, Ashton. I told you we're playing a game." Luke said and looked at Samantha.

"Tell me, what's your name?" Luke asked her and touch her face. A tear slipped out if her eyes ad she tried to get away from him.

"Sa-Samantha Lahey." (Teen Wolf anybody?) She stuttered and Luke nodded. He looked and me with a scowl on his face.

"What's your name?" He said in a 'I really don't care, but I must know' voice.

"Hannah Montana." I said with a smirk on my face. Luke rolled his eyes, held up two fingers.

"That's your second time lying. You have three more times." He said and I breathed in air.

"Nevaeh Davis." (I love that name, it's heaven spelled backwards.) I told him the truth and he nodded.

"Pretty names, for pretty girls. So sad that you have die....well not really die, but become dolls." Luke said and stood back up.

"Okay, the rules are: if you lie five times then I will either stab you in your right thigh or left thigh; I will ask you questions about yourself and you must answer; and also if you kick one of us I will stab you in the same wound I stabbed you in for lying five times." Luke said and we nodded.

"Let's play." He smirked and looked at Samantha first.

We finished the game and I ended up getting slapped by Luke because I kicked him. I know he said don't kick one of them but he was in my personal space. I didn't know one Barbie doll could hold so much anger.

As of right now, everyone was doing something. Whether it was Calum watching Samantha everywhere she went, or Ashton and Michael in my livingroom watching tv.

Luke was outside, in my backyard. I guess he was contemplating life. I decided to go out there and see what was up with him.

Don't go out there, Neveah. Look what he did to you, he slapped you for crying out loud! Why are you finna go out side and be nice to him? My subconscious said to me and I chose to ignore it.

I opened the patio door and looked at Luke. He had his head in his hands and was sniffling. I instantly felt sad for him. I sat on the ground in front of Luke and put my hand on his knee.

Luke looked up and as soon as he saw me, he wiped his eyes and cleared his throat.

"What do you want? Can't you see I want to be alone? Or do you want me to slap you again?" He threatened, but I didn't care. Let him slap me for trying to help.

"I want to help you. Get out of this doll body. And back to your family. I want to help all of you, if you'd just let me." I looked into Luke's eyes and saw, what looked like, a shimmer of hope.

"I'm sorry, I can't betray my boss like that. Now go back into your house." Luke said and rolled his eyes. I scoffed.

"You just said it. It's my house; therefore, you can't tell me to do shit." I said and put my hands on my hips. Luke dryly laughed and got up. He backed me up until I was up against the wall, and got dangerously close to my face.

"It's either listen to me, or I take you and your friend to meet the boss. We had a talk with him while you and Samantha were gone to her house." After Luke said that, I heard someone saying my name.

I looked and noticed the girl from next door, Hope. I babysat her on the weekends while her parents went to work, or went out on dates.

"Neveah! Is that your boyfriend?" She asked me, Hope was six years old.

"No this isn't. He's just a friend. Well, we have to get going...we're finna go to the movies." I told her and pulled Luke inside with me.

"I didn't know you were this eager for me. Well, I'm not interested. I don't swing that way." I started giggling and fangirling. If I had to admit it, he's hot. And a hot guy like him likes dudes.

"I'll be right back..." I got an idea, but it had nothing to do with what Luke just said. I went upstairs and into my room to find Samantha and Calum kissing.

"I ship it! Your ship name is Camantha." I said excitedly and they broke apart.

"What do you want Nevaeh?" Samantha said giving me a 'you fucking cock blocker' look. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"I think I can help you guys." I said and they furrowed their eyebrows. And then Calum smiled as if he understood what I meant.

To Be Continued. . .

A/N: I don't know if I'll be able to update that often because of school and stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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