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Saturday September 3, 2016

(Ash's POV)

*DingDing* "Order up! Table 16!"

"I got it!"

The kitchen was busy and steam filled the air. Quickly I grabbed the two plates from the counter infron told my moms station and hurried towards the double door will ease. The restaurant was full tonight and it was only 6pm, people lined in the front entrance waiting for their turn to grab a table. I made my way over to table 16; juggling a wine bottle while I was at it.

I smiled generously while placing the dishes in front of my customers, "Here is your order Madam and your as well Sir. We also have a complimentary wine from our owner; think of it as a thank you gift for all your hospitality towards our restaurant."

The man who looked to be in his 30's smile and reach for the wine bottle I left on the table. Just as I turned around I could hear the women lean over to her husband and whisper. "What a lovely young boy, such elegant manners for a boy his age."

With a smile spread on my face I continued my rounds, making my way to each table. Table after table I filled orders and poured liquids into empty wine glasses; late into the evening the crowd slowly dwindled down until only a few tables were occupied. The other butlers were filling and delivering orders, so I was patiently standing at the front door waiting to greet our next customers. Around this time not many people were expected to come trough the doors but most of the employees stayed late for orders and the more complicated side of the business. 


"Good evening Madam, will it be one tonight?" I asked politely; reaching down below the counter for a single menu.

She shook her head, "No, no. My wife and son will be joining me this evening;  they are on their way as I speak."

I nodded and reached for another adult menu and a child's menu. Usually we don't have younger customers but the restaurant was always prepared. "Excellent Madam, right this way please."

We walked over to a window booth where I placed out the three menus and poured the man a glass of water. "Would you like to order one of our premium wines Ma'am? They are a new order, we received them fresh this morning." *Ringaling*  "If you are interested I will give you a moment to decide, please do pardon me. I must go greet the arriving customers."

As I headed off to seat the arriving customers; Lawrence one of the other employees tapped my shoulder signalling towards the kitchen. I nodded in understanding and changed my destination as he walked towards the waiting customers. Only three other tables were occupied and most looked to be about finished  with their meal. There were only Lawrence, Kristy, and  Angela around at the time; though Angela and Kirsty were in the backroom filing our income for the boss. I stepped through the double doors to find all the kitchen staff still working hard; making my way I navigated through to my moms station over in the center of the kitchen.

"You wanted to see me?"

My mother smiled and nodded, "I am so sorry Ash for making you stay so late, and with school coming up. Please just hang in a little longer and we'll leave around 11 okay?"

I sighed deeply, "Mom it's not a big deal, I'm fine. Make sure to finish up clean and not sloppy okay? That's the most important part. I have to go, there are still a few customers out there and Lawrence can't handle it all."

"I know sweetie. You work so hard." She complimented staring off dreamily. "Oh! Right, get back out there! Take this with you to table 9!"

I grabbed the order; adjusted my tie and headed back out onto the floor. I placed the order down at table 9; refilled coffee cups and cleaned off table before being called over to the window table.

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