2 - Expert

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The sound of the television, the crunchy noise of chips being devoured, and the sweet singing voice of my sister; all of these were muted down as Yejin's words from two days ago were replaying in my ears.

"Please, wait for me."

"I... can be a girl you'll like really soon."

I received several kinds of confessions before, of course.

But not from my bestfriend, especially not in person.

It's like a meteorite suddenly crashed in my world. A whole new thing for me.

I have no plans for this, but then I realized that I've been avoiding her since then. Well don't get me wrong here. It's not like I don't like her, but I see in her is a trustworthy friend.

The actors in the drama kept on conversing, but all I can see is Yejin and me in my mind.

I snapped back to reality when an idea came to mind.

Trying to compose myself, I turned to my sister.

"Noona." I called to her, trying to gather my thoughts across her lovely figure.

"Hmm?" She hummed in question as her eyes were attached on a magazine, flipping a page as I spoke.


"Yeah?" She smiled.

I took a deep breath in before asking. "Do you believe in fairytales?" I tried my best not to stammer.

She closed the magazine she was reading and narrowed her eyes at me, jerking a brow upward.

"Why? Is my little bro now interested in romance?" She grinned, ruffling my hair up and leaned to the sofa, watching me as she smiled.

"N-no, it's not that." I frantically waved my hands in front of her, pouting like a kid deep in thought.

"Oh?" She displayed a knowing smile.

"I mean. Ugh. How do I say this?" My brows furrowed as I rubbed the back of my head, trying to think of a decent answer.

It was a Saturday afternoon and the television was stuck to a drama left unwatched.

She chuckled.

"Now, now. Tell me what's wrong." She smiled at me and hugged a pillow next to her.

"I... I'm just curious." I looked away as I blushed a tad bit at my statement.

Curious. In fairytales. Like really.

She just smiled then answered.

"You know, I never believed in them, Channie. If you wish to have a happy ending, then love and trust should always be there. And also, always consider your true feelings and what you truly want."

"I see. But how do you know all of these?" I eyed her curiously.

"Well, I have lots of friends with deep experiences, as well as broken hearts." She giggled. "At least they already found their most special ones." She then smiled, hugging the pillow tighter.

"How about you, noona?"

"As for me, I can wait. Five years or more, bring it on!" She clenched her fist and did a "fighting" pose, making us both laugh.

"I can be the priest on your wedding day." I grinned.

"Oh really." She rolled her eyes playfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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