Chapter Eight

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(Y/n)'s POV
My hands shook as I stepped inside the carriage. I sat next to Ciel. His blue eyes focused on me, as if they where watching my every movement.

Gripping the sky blue fabric and pretending that he wasn't there. As hard as I tried to forget, the stinging on my cheek was a reminder.

"So, umm...w-where are we g-g-going...." I stuttered out. The tension in the small carriage hadn't eased. I slightly tilt my head over catching a glimpse of Ciel's face.

He was smiling, no, smirking but the smirk he wore wasn't a good one. It seemed dark, and scary...

"Into town, maybe look around a few stores." He responded before looking away and staring out the window. As if in deep thought.

The carriage stops with a small jerking motion making me bounce a bit. Sebastian helped Ciel and I out. I didn't bother to take in my surroundings. Ciel took ahold of my arm and walked me into a store. I thought about it before looking up deciding it was okay. My hair covering the bruised part of my face with my left eye seeing that we where in a small candy store.

Ciel looked down to you for a bit. It felt kinda creepy in a weird way before he walked to the counter. And buying a small bag of candy.

I looked out the window. You stared at a little girl that sat across the street in a tattered dress. Her eyes grey and lifeless. Her small face thin. Long brown hair dirtied. Without realizing Ciel had already paid for the candy and was at your side.

"Let's go. I have to go pick up something." Ciel's voice was cold and harsh. I nodded still focused on the small girl. Ciel grabbed my arm once more before walking to the door of what I assume was a jewelry store. "Wait out here." He mumbled before walking into the small jewelry store.

I couldn't bear to see the small girl being looked down at by nobles while she suffered. I could almost see myself in her situation, the same one I had been in before moving to the Phantomhive manor. After contemplating whether or not to aid the young girl, I felt as though my legs had started to more on there own. Before I know it I was at her side kneeling down next to her.

"s-s-sorry I must be in your way." The young girl slowly moved, more like crawled. Her arms looked thin. As thin as mine had been.

"Wait here please. I'll be right back" I ordered before running down the sidewalk looking for a bakery. I stopped at the sight of a rather big bakery and bought some bread to give to the young girl.

I returned to where I had seen the girl. Luckily she was still there, I don't think she could really move much though. I handed her the loaf of bread. "T-thank y-!" Before she could even finish she was cut off.

"(Y/n)! I thought I told you to wait for me." Ciel's stern voice made me jump up. Ciel's arms hooked onto main pulling me away before I could even talk to the girl. Your eyes widened. You couldn't just leave her! Such a small girl alone. No. No. No. No! Images of my own troubles flashed in my head making the world around me spin.

Once again everything was a blur. I was thrown into the carriage. The carriage moved right as Sebastian closed the door. Ciel grabbed your shoulders forcing you to look at his eyes.

"Why would you leave? I told you to stay outside the store!" His voice was filled with rage. Yet I couldn't muster any words.

Ciel's POV

She's not answering me. Does she hate me? I'm scaring her, aren't I?

I could feel a smirk appearing on my face. I stood up and sat on the carriage seat. Reaching into the small bag and pulling a small black box with a navy blue ribbon and small silver roses printed on the sides.

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