Chapter 6

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Ray was about to carry Henry back through into his bedroom, when he heard a high-pitched squealing sound coming from the elevator.

"That's Charlotte," Henry said, when Ray pulled away from him. Ray put him down immediately, and then the lift doors opened.

"Hey guys," Charlotte said, when she managed to pick herself up from the floor.

"Nothing," Henry said immediately.

"Ok..." Charlotte said. Ray rolled his eyes at him.

"I thought you weren't working today," Ray said. "Did I send you a message by mistake?"

"Yeah, you must have done. What's going on?" she asked, when she saw Henry and Ray's rumpled clothes.

"Nothing. We only just woke up," Ray replied quickly, with a sideways glance at Henry. When he saw Charlotte's suspicious face, he quickly ushered away. "Well, I am sorry to have woken you so early but we have some very important things to do."

"I can help, if you want," Charlotte says as Ray was gently pushing her back towards the lift.

"No, no, we can handle it. Bye Charlotte!" Ray said as he managed to get her into the lift and then pushed the up button. "Where were we?" Ray asked, strolling back over to Henry seductively.

"Not now, Ray. I have to get to the hospital to see my parents," Henry said.

*****after the hospital (end of the day)*****

Henry didn't feel much better after his visit to the hospital; his parents were far from better, but at least they were awake and talking. Well, talking but not making any sense. He felt really depressed that his once happy family was ruined.

"Are you alright?" Ray asked him. "That was a stupid question, obviously you're not alright. What I meant was, do you want some time alone?"

Henry shook his head. "I don't think being alone will make me feel any better. Can we order a pizza and watch a film?"

"Sure, what film?" Ray replied. Henry shrugged.

"Anything," he said quietly.

"Ok, go and get a shower and by the time you are done the pizza will have arrived," Ray said and watched with sadness in his heart as he watched the love of his life stumble off towards the shower.

Ray worked hard to get everything ready in the half an hour Henry was in the shower. The pizza arrived moments before Henry entered the man cave. He couldn't help at smile at the sight before him. Ray had dimmed the lights and laid a blanket out in front of the couch. There were candles around the top of the blanket and he had laid the pizza out.

"This is really nice Ray. Didn't think you were the romantic type," Henry said, a small smile on his face. Ray walked over to where Henry was standing.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me," Ray said to him before picking him up bridal style and carried him over to the blanket, laying him down gently.

"You didn't have to do all this for me," Henry said to him, when Ray sat down on the other side of the blanket.

"Some people are worth the effort," Ray said. Henry smiled before saying

"Hit play!"

Ray stuck his tongue out at Henry before pressing play on Henry's favourite film, Iron Man.

When they had eaten the whole pizza, they cuddled up together on the couch, Henry's head on Ray's chest. By the time the film was over, Henry had fallen asleep on Ray. Ray picked him up and carried him through into his bedroom. He laid him down onto his bed and pulled the covers over him. He climbed in next to him and pulled Henry against his chest.

"Goodnight Henry," Ray whispered and kissed his ear before settling down to go to sleep.

"Goodnight Ray" he heard quietly.


Longer than last chapter (:

Hope you enjoyed

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