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The darkness was all around me. Everywhere I looked there was nothing. An empty void and here I was trapped. Alone. How did I end up here? Why did I end up here?

I heard voices scream and shout but there owners could not be traced. I tried to call out, tried to reply but my voice vanished into the emptiness.

Was this it? Was this the end?

"Niall mate stay with me" I heard Harry shout. Harry, he was okay thank god. He wasn't hurt like me. He wouldn't die like me, he would live.

"Sir you need to sit down, you're injured" Another voice that I didn't recognise called.

"I'm not leaving him" Harry shouted back. I could feel his touch on my hand but I still felt numb.

How long would this emptiness last? How long until it was over and I could peacefully die?

I've accepted it already, I'm going to die. I just hope that for my friends sake that it's not long and drawn out. I don't mind dying but I couldn't bear to take them down with me.

The quicker they grieve, the quicker they move on. That's all I really want.

"HARRY, NIALL" I heard Louis desperate voice cry out. He'd clearly been called.

I heard a muffled exchange of voices between the 2 boys and soon enough Zayn and Liam's voices joined the conversation.

They started to talk to me but I paid no attention. The end was coming, I could feel it. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open and I decided not to force them.

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes, waiting for the end...


My eyes fluttered open. They felt heavy but I had to see the light. I had to let the boys know I was okay and that I wasn't going to die.

The surroundings weren't familiar so I clearly wasn't laying in the wreckage anymore. They must have moved me to a hospital.

I turned my pounding head to the side and there was Harry sitting in the hospital chair. Except he didn't look like the Harry I was in a car crash with a few minutes ago. His curly hair has grown out long past his shoulders and many more tattoos peeked out from under his tight white shirt. And when did he start dressing like that.

How long had I been asleep?

"Niall?" He asked, realising I was awake. His eyes lit up and I could tell he was happy to see me.

I went to reply but all that came out of my mouth was a pathetic whine. Why couldn't I speak?

"It's alright Ni, you've not used your voice in a long time. Just relax, I'm going to get the boys" he said and he looked so excited. Like a child on Christmas morning.

I hadn't used my voice in a long time?

There was only one conclusion in my head. I've been asleep for a long time and have no memory of this.

How longs it been? What have I missed? What happened to One Direction?

Questions swam around my head but only one stood out.

Would I still be myself after all this time?

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