chapter fourteen/drunk

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I looked at my watch: 10.00PM. I had a couple of hours until I had to be home. I was out at a club with a couple of mates. They were all completely smashed because that was their idea of a 'night out'. I had had a couple drinks but not enough for me to actually get drunk.

'Come on Hazza, here's another pint.' My mate slurred, slapped me on the back and handed me a glass full of beer.

I guess one glass couldn't hurt.

Famous last words.

I was sat at home on the couch staring at the TV not actually processing what was playing in front of me. It was weird how when I wasn't with Harry, even for a couple hours, I just wasn't myself. I checked my watch for what must of been the fifth time in the last minute.


He still had some time to get home. I sounded like an overprotective mother but, I didn't even know where he actually was or who he was actually with. Harry is usually a very controlled guy but every now and then he slips off the rails a little. I mean, who doesn't?

With these troubling thoughts on my mind i dozed off, into a light sleep.

I suddenly awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing. It was 1.15 I had around 6 missed texts, all from Harry.

Harry: hey babeee I'll be hoeme soon!!!!1!

Harry: babyyhsy u doent repliy!!

My throat was dry. He was obviously completely drunk. I was nervous to read more. But the next text was a picture. A picture of someone, who I vaguely recognised but couldn't name, sitting on Harry's lap, smothering him completely with his lips. Harry was stupidly grinning at the camera giving a thumbs up.

What the fuck is this?!

I read the other texts.

Harry: myyi neww boufriend!!!1!

Harry: just jokin Lou Lou u are my boufriend!!

This was fucked up. I also had voicemail messages from Harry but I couldn't bring myself to listen to them. I put my phone down in tears. Sure, he was drunk but still! He's being immature and irresponsible. I would never of expected this from him. My phone began to ring. I kind of half knew who it would be: Harry.

I answered the phone hesitantly.


'Boo bearrr! I'm on my wayyy to youu right now my lovelyyy!!'

'Harry, your drunk off your face. Just get home right now.' I told him and wiped the tears off of my face.

I didn't even want to hear what he had to say so I hung up the call.

It sat there in tears. I hated him. I hated him for doing this to me. He was treating me and himself badly. I'm not gonna put up with this shit.

I heard a ring on the doorbell.

I quickly checked the time.


I stumbled to the door, tripping over myself with nerves. I took a deep breath before answering the door.

Of course, their stood Harry. Smiling naughtily like nothing could possibly be wrong.

He grabbed my face and pulled me towards him. He attempted to plant a massive kiss right in the middle of my face and slur:

'Lou Bearrr!'

I pushed him away from me hard.

'What the fuck are you doing?' I said in disgust.

'Areeee you angryyy?' He said dropping his toothy grin.

'Yes, I'm fucking angry! It's 2.00 AM and your fucking drunk! Don't even talk to me.' I shouted in his face.

He tried to grab my waist.

'Noo Louisss.' He moaned.

I did the first thing that came to my mind. I raised my hand a slapped him right across the face.

He immediately drew back and clutched his cheek.

'What was thattt forrr?'

I didn't even bother to reply, I just turned away and sat down on the couch not facing him.

He walked into the flat and shut the door.

'Babbyyy. Noo!' He said and tried to sit down next to me. I got up straight away and stood in front of him.

'Don't fucking touch me Harry! I hate you, and I don't want to be anywhere near you!' I shouted.

Suddenly, I heard a pitter patter of tiny footsteps.

Daniel appeared in the doorframe.

'What's going on Dada?' He asked me, worried.

I walked to him straight away and held his hands.

'Nothing baby. Now you should be getting back to bed.' I told him.

'But I want to see Daddy!' Daniel said in excitement when he saw Harry sprawled out on the couch.

'Danny boy!' Harry slurred and got up.

'No Harry. Get away!' I warned him.

'I want to see my baby boy!' He giggled.

'Is Daddy okay?' Daniel asked me sensing something was wrong. He gripped my hand tighter as Harry tried to pick him up.

'Come on! Come to Daddy!' Harry laughed.

I picked Daniel up cradled him in my arms.

'Don't touch him.' I spat at Harry.

Harry turned away and cursed loudly as I carried Daniel back to bed.

'He's my own fucking kid! If I wanna see him I am gonna see him!' He shouted as I heard him knock over a chair.

'Daddy's going to be ok. Let's just get to sleep.' I stoked Daniel's head but he was already dozing off.

Once he was all tucked up and sleeping I headed down stairs again. Harry was on the couch grinning, his arms spread out in front of him. He saw me entering the room and ran over to me.

He started to take off his shirt.

'Come on Lou, let's have some funn!' He laughed and tried to touch me again.

'You don't know what your fucking doing, leave me alone you dick!' I screamed.

With that, I ran up to our bedroom, locked the door and got under the covers and hid from the big bad world.

Harry didn't join me all night. Thank god he got the message.

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