Visiting Family

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(A/N Okay so the file to the bedroom didn't upload so go to the link that i put in the comments, to the last part. sorry for the inconvenience)

Naill's P.O.V.

I had gotten a text from my dad saying that i should come over and visit, before i had to go back to the U.K.   I really wanted to go but i wanted to take someone with me, I knew Zayn wouldn't go cause he was going to catch up with Perrie and same for Louis. Harry was going to go out to a club and Liam was going with him. And i didn't want to interrupt or ruin there plans. I let out a loud sigh.

"What's wrong little leprechaun?" Scarlet asked me.

I smiled at the nickname "Oh um i was going to go visit my dad for a few days before i leave back to the U.K. and i wanted to take someone, but i don't wanna ruin the boys plans"

"Why do you need to take anyone, do you get lost?" She asked teasingly. I laughed "No it's just when i go, we usually don't do anything unless someone is there" I said while shrugging, My eyes lit up at the idea, she just looked at me 

"Niall why are you looking at me like a creepy pedo?"

"Scarlet Can you go with me to visit my dad pleeaaaassssseeeeeeee?" I said while putting on my best puppy dog face

She through a pillow at my face "Don't look at me like that, it's like a little kid asking if you can buy them ice cream, and you don't want to hurt their feelings" She looked away and covered her face with her hands.

"C'mon Scarlet you can go meet Niall's parents and then when we go to the U.K. you can meet our parents" Zayn said, backing me up.

"Why would i go and meet your parents, i hardly even know you guys" She pointed out

Lou, Tom and Sam got up and yawned, they said good night and left the room.  "We can play truth or dare, that way we'll get to know you better and vis versa" Harry yelled out

"I think it'll be fun" Troy said with an angry Travis, glaring behind him and both taking a seat on either side of Scarlet.

"FFFFFIIIIIINNNNNNEEEEEEE i'll play." Scarlet moaned out, is it weird i was turned in by this

Scarlet's P.O.V.

I was convinced to play truth or dare with 8 other guys. This was going to end up bad. Why did i say yes. Well fuck it no use in going back now

"Okay, Scarlet were all going to ask you then you go okay?" Louis asked I nodded "Okay truth or dare?"

"DARE DUH" I shouted at him

he laughed "Okay i dare you to tell us what the most embarrassing thing you did"

I looked over at Trav trying to keep a straight face but failed we both started to laugh and roll on the bed I ended up falling off of the bed. It hurt like a mother fucker, but mother fuckers are pretty funny so i juts ignored the pain and kept on laughing. I finally sobered up enough to stand up I took a deep breath "Okay so before i became hostile and mean i think around 4, i had a crush on Sage, but like all little kids he thought that i had cuties so one day in front of all his friends i went up to him and kissed him, he surprisingly kissed me back and after about 1minute everyone was all like get a room, and oh my gosh i think he got her pregnant. And yeah, among those people was trav" I finished

Then went Zayn, perrie, Louis, eleanor, Niall, Liam and Harry.

They asked pretty simple things, but before i got a turn to go i yelled out "I'M AS HUNGRY AS A MOTHER FUCKER AND I NEED FOOD, OR ELSE I'LL MURDER TRAVIS BRUTALLY WITH A FORK!!!" I yelled out. They all burst out laughing i didn't get what was so funny, i was hungry and i would hurt Trav, if i didn't get any fucking food damn. I walked out the door and towards the kitchen, i made myself 2 sandwichs, with mayo, ham, letuce, and BACON BITCH. I walked back into the room and sat down were i was before leaving.

"Amber can you be a good sister and share that sandwich?" Trav asked  

"No this is my freaking food, and my god damn bacon. Get your own." I finished the first one and was about to go to my second one when Trav took it and started to run, "Bitch i might be in pain right now, but i will have my food back or you will get hurt, maybe both" I got up and went after Trav, who does he think he is taking my food. I got close enough to elbow him in the ribs, he slowed down slightly, and that's when i took my chance to take my sandwich back.

"Hahaha, female dog you though you could get away with stealing my food, think again." I took a bite and sat on his back. I wasn't heavy i only weighed at least 100 lbs that's a little considering how old i am. "Shut up you weigh way more than i do" I said while finishing up my food, I got up and walked back to the bed.  "Okay seriously you guys need to stop starting at me like i've grown another head"

"I don't think i've ever seen someone more obsessed with food other than Niall" Liam said

"Dude that's nothing once she got Alec in a head lock when she was 11 because he ate one of her sugered cookies. She made him buy her an all new cart." Trav said while brushing off "dust" from his clothes

"Yup don't mess with my food there like my baby bears and im the mamma adn if you get inbetwenn that i will hurt you" I stated

"So Scarlet are you going to go with me to meet my dad, pleeassseeee" Niall asked yet again

"Okay yes i'll go. Damn boi. When do we leave?"

"Tonight" he said simply

"Okay let's go, i already had my duffel bag packed. Si you be good you too Travis is not i will beat the living shit out of you." I said my good byes, then Niall and I were headed towards the airport.

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