Will you runaway with me?

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Travis' P.O.V

I can't believe that my little sister had a deadly illness and i didn't even notice. I looked at her anger, guilt, and shock were written on her face.

"Amber I

"No don't touch me, just leave me alone!" She yelled while backing away from me

"Amber listen to me please"

"Listen to you, haha wow no, you didn't listen to me yet you want me to listen to you. How 'bout no"

She turned, grabbed the jar of Nutella and walked towards the door.

"Scarlet Amber Leah get back here!" I yelled at her, but the only response i got was go fuck yourself and the middle finger. I watched her walk away, making no effort to stop her. I ranked my finger through my hair. How could i have been so blind when she was around 13 she had started to wear beanies everyday and i though it was phase. Well damn, i wounder if Alec knew about this and didn't tell me. Oh well, wait a god damn minute, is that what Sage had meant by it wasn't his story to tell what else had happened while i was gone. But she was diagnosed well she was 13 and i hadn't left until she was around late 15 early 16. SO why didn't she tell me!

"I'm going to go after her" Niall said, he got up gabbed his coat and walked out the door.

"Wow, she's one tough cookie to have gone through cancer or Leukemia by herself" Liam said making me feel 10 times crappier

"No one said she went through it alone, maybe Cloud knew about it" Harry added

"Yeah, but if she knew about it why didn'y she tell me?" i said frustrated

"It wouldn't be her place to talk" Zayn said.

"Yeah i guess it wasn't her place to talk but come on. And what if Amber really try to tell me and i dissed her to watch the football game? Wow I'm such an asshole to her. And to think she was always there for me, no once was she not there even for the smallest things, she couldn've been taken from me within those years" I said taking a seat in the sofa, and putting my face into my hands.

Scarlet's P.O.V.

I was sitting outside a local cafe, drinking a cup of coffee and eating the jar of Nutella. I just wanted to be alone for awhile, maybe I'll runaway for a while. I liked that idea, I didn't have my phone or anything i would be leaving behind everything, and honestly i didn't care i just wanted to leave for a while. I got up and threw the empty jar away, finished my coffee and threw the cup away. I walked away, i didn't know were i was going but in a way i liked the feeling. I kept walking when i passed a park, i saw a cardboard box underneath the slide, i would've ignored it if it wasn't for the fact that the box was moving. I walked to the slide and pulled the box out, to my surprise i found to puppies in there.

"Awww you're cute and fluffy, yes you are" I said while picking them both up and holding them in my arms, they licked my face. I looked around to see if i could see who had left them there, but i saw no one. I got up from my crouthing position and started to walk away.

I had been walking for a long ass time and it was starting to get cold and the puppies were shivering, i stopped and put them inside my coat, crossing my arms right below their bodies so they wouldn't fall out. I had no idea were i was, or were i'm going. But this neighborhood seemed to be like the worst place to be at, when the sun sets. I heard footsteps following me from behind, ugh this sucks. I tried to listen to the footfalls to try and figure out how many of them there were but i couldn't cause the steps seemed to be synced up. I stopped walking and turned around, there were 3 different people.

"Well, it seems you'r a little bit lost girly" Number 1 said

"Don't call me girly unless you want me to rearrange your face" I said back

"Oh look boys this one is fisty, were going to have fun to night girly" Number 3 said

"Bitch please i would rather die a slow and painful death then go back with you fuckers, so please go back to whatever wanna be gang you're apart of, pack your bag and get the fuck out."

"Girl you just messed with the wrong people" Number 2 said while whipping out a knife

"Wow boi you have to use a knife to defend yourself, that is beyond sad, if you ever went over to my little town your asses would be killed and hid in under 30 minutes"

"Is that so, then why don't you show us those moves" Number 3 said mockingly

"Gladly" i said back. Since i couldn't use my arms to punch cause i was holding the little fluff balls, i just kicked, and kneed them. They didn't last long which only proved my point that they wouldn't survive back in Ireland. Well at least were i was from.

Niall's P.O.V.

I walked out the door and headed down the street hopefully i would be able to find Scarlet before dark and bring her back. I passed by a park, a cafe, a little Mexican restaurant, but still no sigh of her. I walked into a cafe and asked if they had seen her, they said that i had just messed her by 15 minutes i asked which direction she went north towards South Hampton park. I thanked them and walked to the park. I passed it and since there was no other way to turn i kept walking north, i passed a really bad looking neighborhood. Were could she have gone. I kept on walking even though it was dark out, what would be the point of going back. I could walk a few more blocks and there she would be, and if i turned around it would be like giving up on her. I kept walking and it payed off, off in the distance i spotted a familiar bright green jacket. I ran the rest of the distance calling out her name. The figure turned around but it wasn't Scarlet, it was a little boy.

"My names not Scarlet" He said

"Oh I'm sorry I'm trying to find this one girl and she had the same color jacket on. Have you seen a girl wearing a jacket like this"

"It's okay, and yeah i saw a girl walk down this giant hill and then she went into the store at the bottom of the hill. I think"

"Okay thanks bud" I ran down the hill which was probably a bad idea since i almost face planted into the concrete, thank god i reached the bottom with out kissing the pavement. I walked into the store which turned out to be a very small ice cream shop, but in the far booth there sat Scarlet i walked towards her and sat down in front of her.

"Hey Scarlet"

"What the fuck, what are you doing here?"

"Um i didn't want you to get lost, so i went after you. Took a while but i found you!"

"No Niall you have to go and leave me alone. I don't need your pity" Her voice cold and no emotion

"I'm not here to show you pity, I'm here cause i care for you. Please come back home" I pleaded

"No Niall i don't want to go back. Not now anyway. I need a break from everyone and that includes you" She said while getting up and walking towards the door, I'm not going to lie that stung

"Scarlet come one wait" I said seh paused at the door and turned around

"Niall you need to go home, you need to forget about me you --

I kissed her, deep and passionate. I took her by surprise. After about a minute she wrapped an arm around me while keeping one around her torso, I had wrapped my arms around her waist. Not 3 minutes later we were surrounded by flashing light.

"Damn it how'd they find me?!"

"Niall I'm not sure but well you runaway with me?"

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