Chapter 4

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I was so scared after what happened, but as long as she was okay. 3 dyas later Maka was back and the bandages on her head was gone, but not on teh nose. I was so happy to see her again and so was kid. After school we went back home and I was so happy to see her back here. We both sat on the sofa and ordered Pizza and watched a movie. I was glad that she can be back in my arms again, but I wasn't happy that I was not there to protect her when she needed it. The next morning I woke up to the sound of Maka laughing at the door. When I went to the door there was kid. He just stood there, frighten.

"What the HELL are you doing HERE!"I yelled.

""Well, I just wwanted to see if Maka was oka-," Kid responded.

"Soul calm down it's fine," Maka explained.

"No it's not it's his fault for what happened to you!" I said.

"Soul your exaggerating calm down," Maka told me.

"Yeah calm down Soul-," Kid said.

"No I'm not," I said aggrily.

I then heard Maka scream in pain and kid suddenly looked at me then ran to Maka. When I turned I saw what I did to make Maka scream in pain.

"MAKA!" I screamed," I'm sorry I didn't mean to!"

Kid was already helped Maka up and he stared at me.

"Maka are you okay?" Kid asked her.

"Yes, only my arm hurts, but I'll be fine I didn't break it or pop it," Maka said to me calmly.

I then took her to the sofa and told kid to leave. He then stared at me angriliy and left to school. So I went back with Maka and walked her to my motorcycle to go to school. By the time we got there Maka was fine and as we got off she gave me a kiss on the cheek this time and then held my hand. We then walked off to class and sat at our assigned seats. Like always we dissected animals in Dr.Stein's class and nothing else. While we were working on the dissection today we were called up to Lord Death.

"Sorry for interupting,but Lord Death would like to see Maka and Soul," said the Man.

Dr.Stein then turned to Maka and I and then said," It's alright you weren't interupting. Maka, SoulLord death needs to see you two, You are excused from class."

We both then got up slowly and follwed the Man to Lord Death in his. We did not know why we were being called, but we sure hoped it was nothing bad. It seemed what felt like forever and quiet. When we got there we both just stood there waiting.

"Do you know why I called you both here?" asked Lord Death.

I suddenly responded," We are sorry we didn't mean didn't mean to do anyhting it wa-," Lord Death and Maka then looked at me strange.

"Soul, what are you talking about?" Lord Death asked.

"Nevermind," I responded.

"Anyway the reason I called you two is because I can always count on you," Lord Death said.

"Lord Death what is it you mean?" Maka asked.

"Maka and Soul you both will go with Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, and Patti on the mission I sent  them to," Lord Death replied.

"What is it now Lord Death? I mean who is it now?" I asked.

Lord Death signed, but replied," The keishan that tried to kill Maka."

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