Chapter 6: Figuring Out The Impossible

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~Soul's P.O.V~

I smiled. I threw the necklace back on the coffee table. It began to shine as the suns rays hit against it. I looked back at Maka and got up. As I walked towards her, I could see the cuts on her arm dissapearing.

She had on a blue tank top, the one I put on her after she fell asleep. Her body so fragile, yet she made those cuts on her arms, without me knowing it. Even though they were dissapearing, you could tell they were still there. Her skin so pale and the cuts were deep dark red, but getting to her skin color as it heals. I know it's hard for her to let go, but why like this?

I tried not think about it as I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She giggled as she then placed the bacon on the frying pan.

"Hey Maka about last night," I tried to not sound rude.

Maka suddenly stopped what she was doing. She took awhile to answer, but didn't seem like she wanted to tell me.

"Nothing. Let's just forget about it ever happened," Maka smiled and got back to the bacon.

~Maka's P.O.V~

"So, you're not going to tell him. Are you?" Kid asked, he stood right next to me.

"Kid?" I said in astonishment. I suddenly turned to him and he just stayed there looking at the kitchen counter.

"Are you going to tell him?" Kid asked again.

"Tell him what? I just don't want to tell him until I know it's the right time. Until I've known if I'm right," I responded then looked down to the ground.

"Tell me what?" Soul asked as he got a piece of bacon and ate it.

"Nothing. And Soul you're going to burn yourself!" I exclaimed.

"Fine don't tell me. And okay I'll put it back," Soul replied as he placed the bacon back on the plate.

"You could of just let me eat it and let me learn my lesson," Soul said as he made a little puppy face and talked like a little boy.

"You're sick, Soul!" I yelled at him.

"What you always gave me spankys to let me learn my lesson," Soul laughed.

"Soul, you know you just made that up!" I punched his arm.

"Aww, look now you're red!" Soul yelled out laughing his ass off.

"Shut up!" I screamed.

Soul then got my hand and pulled me towards him. He wrap his arm around my waist and leaned in close to me.

"I'm just having fun, Maka," Soul giggled then kissed me.

{Listen to SoulMates and read this part}

"What is it? Is your plan not working?" Kid asked.

"I just thought this will be easy Kid," I responded then sighed.

"But now you know it's not," Kid said as he looked up at me.

"How do you know? How do know that this is not easy?" I asked.

He stayed quiet and looked at me. He harden his fist and he looked forward. He closed his eyes shut and tried to talk. But all he did was move his lips, and didn't say a word. I looked down at my shoes thinking about this. Trying to figure this out and then Kid spoke.

"It's hard trying to figure it out Maka. Trust me, I know because i've tried it before, but it just took her awhile to realize it," Kid spoke out.

I looked at him.

"Kid.." I said as I put my hand over his shoulder.

"It's alright, I know you understand it, but just don't worry about it," Kid smiled and he grabbed my hand.

"Kid, you know I'll always love you," I smiled back.

"And you know something Maka.. I'll always love you too," Kid said as he put his hands on my waist.

I then wrapped my arms around Kid and stared at each other for awhile.

I'm falling for Kid. No, I'm in love with Kid, but Soul. I love Soul so much, but now I don't know because I'm falling for Kid. Is this the one that is my choice or do I still have to figure it out if it is him?

Kid then brushed his lips against mine. I didn't pull away because this feeling that I never felt before. Not from my heart, but something that is more than love that I have for Kid.

But the thing is that am I making the right choice?

After I pulled away Kid smiled and said,"You'll figure it out. Just don't rush it, you will know when you made the perfect choice."

Kid smiled and placed his thumb on my bottom lip.

"Just don't worry it'll come to you. Me or Soul, you will know which one you had to be with," Kid smiled.

Kid was right because I knew who it was. I knew the one I was going to choose, but like he said I just have to take time and it'll come to me.

I smiled back at Kid and tried to understand. Understand if I'm actually going to make the perfect choice. Kid then brought me closer to him and gave me a tight hug.

"You understand, it'l take time, but you'll know you made the right choice. Just don't rush it," Kid explained as he hugged me tightly.

{Song ending/ended}

"Maka?" Soul said waving a bacon in front of my face.

"Oh yes Soul?" I asked.

"Um, I think the bacon is going to be extra crunchy," Soul giggled.

I then turned to see that the bacon was burning. I turned off the stove and placed it on the plate.

"I hope you like burnt bacon," I laughed.

"Sure, it's good trying something new everyday," Soul chuckled as he took the plate from me and gave me a kiss.

I placed my hand on Soul's cheek and accepted his kiss without pulling away. I then forcely placed my tounge inside his mouth and he did the same. Soul wrapped one arm around me and I wrapped my arms around him. He then placed the plate on the counter and suddenly wrapped his arm around me.

No mater how many times I would deny Soul he never stopped loving me. I didn't pull away this time because I wanted to know this time if I was right. I wanted to know if I had made the right choice, but looks like that if I want to know the only thing I have to do is just be patient.

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