Broken Into Pieces

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I'm Anastasia, But you can call me Anna. I go to school at Henry High School. I'm Seventeen And I have straight A's. I don't have many friends. I only talk to my sister, Hannah, And my mum, Mindy. My dad is abusive and usually wasted, so I don't open up to him a lot. My sister was Diagnosed with a rare form of cancer at age 3. It was really hard on my parents, ya know? Imagine being told that your first child had a rare form of stage 4 cancer. My mum got really depressed and stopped talking to her friends. My dad partied every night to forget everything, and came home drunk almost every night. He would Hit my mother. I was really sad because I was only One when this all happened, and its been going on for 16 more years. My sister gets bullied because of her hair loss, so she doesn't have anyone but me. So I only have my sister to be there for me at school. I guess we only have each other. 

"DO YOU EVER DO ANYTHING RIGHT!?" my dad spat at my mum, looking directly into her hurt. tear filled eyes. She doesn't deserve this!

"STOP YELLING AT HER!" I yelled at my dad, His jaw getting more defined. He was terribly mad at my comment, and was about to burst.

Everything went black. The only memory I have from that night is a burning sensation on my right cheek. I felt like I was swallowed up into a closet of darkness, and couldn't do anything about it.

6 Months Later

"Miss Collins." My science teacher said, I as was day dreaming. "Erm, Yes?" I said nervously, hoping she didn't ask a question or say anything important before calling my name. "There's a new boy that has almost the exact same schedule as you, And I was wondering if you would go up to the office and show him around our school?" Mrs. Hood is my favorite teacher. She's newly Wed and Is very tall. She has long, Dirty brown curls. " Of course I will!" I replied cheerfully, Hopping out of my seat. " thank you." she smiled at me as i walked out the door. 

The sound of my new black wedges hitting the floor, echoed through the halls.

"Woah." I said under my breath, stepping into the office.

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