Chapter Two

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Now I'm in English class, we are usually given 15 minutes at the end of class to read, I'm reading Harry Potter which I loved the first time around but now since J K Rowling outed Dumbledore for us, I'm enjoying the wizarding world even more.

Of course I'm one of the only people in class who use the time, most people whisper in gossips all around us, Our teacher already tired out by us at third period could care less. I tune in to different levels of bitchiness in gossip. Settling on Azura who is sitting right in front of me. I zone out for a minute staring at the back of her head, her hair, she's curled it today, she plays with it, smoothing it down and then flipping it over her shoulder as she gossips with the girl in front of her. I shake my head.

I will not be distracted by a girl. Except maybe Ginny Weasley, because well she's a total badass.

But I am, I tune in listening to their conversation, again actually listening now.
U=her friend I don't care about
A: I know she's so weird!
U: Tell me about it.
A: She wears such weird clothes.
U: She's pretty fat.
A: I mean would it kill her to brush her hair?
U: I know and she always tries to talk to me! You'd think she knows no one likes her.
A: I know she is always so nice to me-
U: I bet she's a dyke!

That's all I could take, I butt in.

"So it's a crime to be nice now isn't it?"

U: Excuse me.
A: We were kind of just talking...
M: Okay yeah, I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but that's really mean. She's nice to you, so what? You're being so mean why, because she's chubbier than you? Because she has messy hair, that's so shallow, just leave her alone!
U: Yeah but she's a dyke!
M: NEWSFLASH, I'm a dyke too, so if you have something to say to queer girls bring it on! Also what evidence do you have, and even if she is gay that gives you no right to call her a dyke!
M: No I just don't-
M: No I have standards.
A: Okay sorry we were just talking.
M: Don't apologize you don't mean it.
A: Then why did you interrupt if it wasn't for an apology?
M: because no one else was going to stand up for her.

*bell rings*

"Have a nice lunch."
I pick up my bag and walk away, it doesn't matter. Like I said she's just trouble, liking her would be a death wish.


I'm hanging out with Becka.
"So how was class?" She asks.
"Fine." I say taking a bite of my sandwich.

Becka's other friends come and join us and gossip themselves.
"Hey, call Lucy a girl in my class says, I heard you stand up to Azura today."
"Oh it's no big deal, I mean I just don't like hearing people being picked one."
I wince thinking of some of my own experiences.
"Anyways she's a bitch."
"No she's not."
I say quickly,
"Oh come on! She is."
"I mean I guess she just gets that way around her friends."
"Okay whatever you say Super Robin!"
I roll my eyes.
"Okay well we know I won't like Batman."
My friends laugh, lots of them still unsure how to handle me being gay, but my puns or gay jokes always seem to amuse them. Around school most people see me in three ways.

1. Robin the gay one
Typical, just a stereotype with the people who know who I am because I came out. But hey it's not that bad.
2. Robin the lesbian
This one goes out to all the horny straight cis males bigots who fetishize lesbians and therefore have never even seen me and want me in bed, I tend to avoid these people,
3. Robin that f*g
This one is the worst, the people who hate me because I like girls. I don't want to go in detail about this one. But I typically fight it with humour.

I'm never just Robin I'm not the smart one, the funny one, the athletic, nerdy, or pretty one, I am a faceless stereotype, I'm the gay one. Okay I'm not completely faceless they know I wear too many flannels. I've passed even the hipsters.

Me and Becka eventually leave to go and study in the library and who do we pass but Azura and her boyfriend, Micheal, sucking face.

Ewwwwww! And straight people accuse me of rubbing my sexuality in their faces and yet I have to pass this in the hall every. Single. Day.

Becka reads the disgusted look on my face and tells me to just look away and of course at that moment because the universe is out to get me Micheal looks up and sees us.

"Come on Robin lets go."
Becka says tugging on my sleeve.
I say politely.
I say in a quiet yell.
Micheal pulls his tongue out of Azuras throat,
"Whatcha say to me dyke?"
"I have a name I think you should use it and Becka's not queer, leave us alone."
"That friend of yours is fine. Just why you staring at my girl?"
"I wasn't staring."
He wraps an arm around her. She looks at the ground, I'm unable to see what she's thinking.
"We're you checking her out because I'll-"
"Yeah, you're girlfriend is cute. But unlike you I'm not a disgusting misogynistic perv who objectify a women."
I see Azura blush a bit.
Then I smile.
"Have a nice day."
I fake tipping a hat to Azura.
I walk away with Becka.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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