I Totally Forgot Dark

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(Oops......Readers......you may throw anything you have at me! I forgot to write Mephiles for the dream thangy. But, I kinda did it on purpose..........making Mephiles not really sleep at all....he's pretty nonchalant in my books....)

Unless moping from being alone......Mephiles needs love too.... Maybe he'll feel better when being noticed by Y/N-chan.......Y/N.......I wonder if she loves Mephiles.......Who knows.....Maybe Mephiles is just too scary to be loved....

"Mephiles? You okay?" Y/N's sweet voice whispered. I looked up from burying my face into her waist.

"I'm fine......just thinking....."

(........poor Mephiles-chan....Mephiles thinks like Juvia! Isn't that wonderful?..)

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