dreaming of pixies and dragons

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Sleep evaded the young witch laying in bed staring up at the constilations that made up her ceiling, flicking her wrist slightly the candles next to her bed were lit. Placing each foot slowly onto the cold marble floor standing her flame red hair fell down to her hips . Acelia made her way to her father's study the fire still warming the room. His giant chair comforted the young witch. Tomorrow was the day Acelia was to finally attend Hogwarts transferring from Beauxbatons Academy of magic for her third year . The storm out side Soon pulled Acelia into the dream world were she flew on a dragon then danced with pixies.

"Well it looks like the queen has fallen asleep in my office again" a monotone voice spoke from the door frame waking the young witch.
"Hello father" mumbles Acelia peeking through her hair that had fallen across her eyes
"Couldn't sleep?" The black haired man asked. To which Acelia replied with a shake of her head."come, we'll leave as soon as your dressed" smirking up at her father "yes professor Snape" giggling at the fact he would be her teacher starting tonight.
"Well hurry up my queen or I'll level without you" practically jumping out of her seat Acelia ran to her room dressing in an over sized ballycastle bats team jumper and red tights strapping her wand to her thigh a thirteen inch oak dragon hart string. Running down the spiral staircase shoes in hand her father stood at the fireplace." Are you ready my queen" waving her hand her trunk appeared in front of her pulling her flates on "ready" smiling proudly the young witch took a handful of floor powder stepped inside the fireplace "Plat form nine and three quarters"

Stepping out onto the platform the young witch was surrounded by buzzing families saying good bye, running to catch up to their children who have forgotten something, last calls to write. Moments later Professor Snape materialized next to his daughter " you go ahead and find a compartment I'll be in the professors carriage" handing Acelia her trunk the man. Disappeared into the crowd. Sucking in a deep breath "remember your a queen and you will act Like one" mumbling the word her father had told her pushing her shoulders back lifting her chin Acelia walked towards the train repeating those words in her head making herself feel more confident. At first it seemed like it would be impossible to find a compartment until all the way near the very end of the train Acelia found a nice cozy compartment smiling. "And fourth we go to Hogwarts"

Queen Of Hogwarts (On Hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang