Chapter 1 Bad to Better

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     I walked through the front door of the campus knowing what was coming today, and not looking forward to it. I stepped just inside the door and to the left waiting for Alex. He slowly walked up with his eyes connected with the floor avoiding my gaze. I glared at the skank that stood by him as some sort of twisted support system considering it was her fault we got to this point. Two years of my life was wasted because of some stupid bitch. She saw the look on my face as I glared at her and quickly walked off, but not before I saw the encouraging look she sent his way as she quickly scurried off.

     This girl had told my boy friend that my best guy friend had raped her. When I told Alex that wasn't true, he didn't believe me. I had been with my friend hanging out that day but Alex still didn't believe that Tiff was lying to him. I should have known something was up between them for a while. They always acted more than friendly which had always pissed me off. She had been after him for a while now and she had finally found her way in. The most irritating part was she didn't do it because she actually wanted him. She did it because she didn't want anyone else to have him.

     Before I could even say anything Alex gave me a harsh look and said, "Don't even say anything, I already know. You are breaking up with me over a rapist. Oh and one last thing, I can't believe you believe him."

     Alex started to walk away and I yelled after him, "Well I can't believe you trust her over me!" He turned around with a sad look on his face then quickly turned around and walked the same way that Tiff had walked.

     My friend Tori came over after he left obviously having had heard it all and pulled me into a hug as I cried into her shoulder. I cried more from anger at him, and myself, than out of being heart broken. Our relationship had been over for quite some time, it just took this to open my eyes to how over it really was. It wasn't a bad relationship for the most part just wrong time I guess. Tori just patted my back saying it was all going to be alright. After a few minutes I took a deep breath to calm my self as I wiped my face off on my sleeve. I thanked her for being there for me and went into the bathroom to fix my makeup. It was more of an excuse to get away from her so I didn't have to see the pity in her eyes. I didn't want her pity, I just wanted to stop thinking about this and move on.

     I went into the bathroom looked in the mirror at myself. There was a bunch of makeup under my bright green eyes and my hair looked like someone had put their hands into it and ruffled it up, like your brother would do to annoy you. I wiped the make-up from out from under my eyes and touched it up a little bit hoping no one would be able to tell that I had been crying. I wasn't ashamed to cry but it wasn't any body's business why, and I didn't want to answer any questions. I don't have a lot of friends that would ask, but there are always the few random people that are nice enough that if they notice they will ask if you are okay anyways. I looked at my hair again and decided to quickly put a brush threw it and then dabbed some lip gloss on and took off to my history lesson.

     I walked in late and the professor ignored me and went on with his lesson. After doodling on my book for most of class I sent a text my mom and asked her if she would mind me leaving early. She didn't reply or ask any questions but five minutes later the office called because my mom wanted to remind me of a "doctors appointment". I stood up and quickly walked out of the lecture hall as the teacher glared at my back. I just rolled my eyes and ignored him as I walked out. I pulled out my keys and swung them back and forth on their lanyard as I headed for my car.

     When I got to the car I got into the drivers seat and threw my bag into the back. I felt the angry tears threatening to over whelm me again so I took a deep breath collecting myself and backed out heading home. I heard my text tone, "OMG you have a text message", as I was almost home. I rolled my eyes and ignored it not wanting to deal with anyone at the moment.

     As I pulled into the driveway I grabbed my bag and went inside running up the stairs to my room trying to avoid my moms questions. My mom was like my best friend and I talked to her about everything but I didn't feel like crying again. I sighed and closed my door and locked it. I grabbed my iPod off my dresser and turned on Savior by Black Veil Brides.

     I listened to music for about a half hour and went down stairs wondering why mom hadn't bugged me yet. When I got into the kitchen I found a note on the fridge.


Jon picked me up for a date. I won't be back till late.

Xoxo mom

p.s. Go out tonight, its Friday!

     I went upstairs sighing. I originally didn't want to talk about it but I expected my mom to be here and make me talk to her like she always does, not to mention I don't have anything to do tonight. I grabbed my phone and checked the text that I had received earlier, it was from Lori.



T: hey ik a way to make you feel better

M: oh really?

T: yea really

M: well what do you have in mind?

T: a concert

M: Lori I really don't want to go to the band concert tonight. If anything that will make it worse because ill be bored too.

T: no not the band concert you silly goose

M: okay...where then?

T: I will give you a hint, they are your fav band

M: omg no way! Bvb???!

T: yes way lol

M: but you hate bvb

T: but I love you and I want you to feel better!


R: yw Hun. I will be there to get you at 7 Kay?

M: sure! See you then!

     I set my phone down my spirit already lifted and jumped off my bed doing my happy dance, which isn't very pretty. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5 already and made a mad dash to the shower. When I got out of shower I pulled my hair up into a bun letting my bangs hang loose. I ran to my room and opened my closet throwing clothes onto the floor looking for my favorite Black Veil Brides t-shirt. It had a woman with a black veil on and underneath it was Black Veil Brides members and below that it had the BVB symbol. I found the shirt and put it on along with a pair of black skinnies and my black flat boots. I love shoes but I am way too uncoordinated to wear heals. 

     I quickly ran back to the bathroom and put on my eye liner and mascara. Not too much though, don't wanna look like a raccoon. I pulled the rubber band out of my blond hair and let it fall into it's soft natural curls down to my waist. I smiled at my reflection happy with how I looked. I was pretty but I wasn't conceited or stuck up about it. I'm not really gorgeous either though. I am just the average kind of pretty. My eyes are a hazel kind of color that doesn't really know what color they want to be and I had longer blond curly hair.

     I glanced at my cell phone seeing that it was 6:55 and ran for my keys and wallet. Lori pulled in as I was locking my door. I ran to her car and smiled at her. I saw what she was wearing and instantly made a face.

     She saw the look and said, "What?"

     She looked beautiful just like always, but she wasn't dressed for a BVB concert. Lori was wearing a pair of slacks a pale yellow frilly shirt and a pearl necklace along with a pair of flats. She also had her dark beautiful hair up in a sever bun that had a pearl looking band around the bun.

    "I hope you don't care about those clothes Lori." some of these concerts could get pretty messy. I myself have walked out with ruined clothes before.

     I plugged my iPod into her jack and started to play my BVB play list. She rolled her eyes and pulled out of the driveway to the concert, finally. I let myself get lost in the music and let all my worries and drama fade into the back of my mind.

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