Chapter one

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Jaynen's POV

I clawed at the hands around my neck. Restricting the wonderful air I need to live. My vision comes and goes. Stars and small colorful dots cloud my vision. This was it. He was going to kill me this time.

My worthless life flashed before my eyes. 11 years of living with my kidnapper. No one had come looking for me. Seeing as I was a 10 year old rebel. Never spoke or showed emotions. A stuck up rebel. My eyes began to go back as I heard the door open. A couple voices laughing. Then it was interrupted.

"Oh my God!" One voice said and tackled my captor to the ground. I gasped for air. My vision slowly coming back and my head pounding. I began coughing. Spurts of blood coming out. I turned onto my side grasping my tiny dying body if you will.

I felt footsteps run to me. Someone puts a jacket over my naked body and picks me up. I was still gasping for air.

"We have to help her now!" I heard the voice come from whoever was holding me. He was cradling me to him probably because NY body temperature wasn't the best. I couldn't hold it anymore. My eyes rolled back as I heard this voice say," No please don't die on me!"

Chris's POV

I don't know who she was but I do know i had to save her. I ran out of the abandoned house while Balz and Ryan worked on the man strangling this girl. I put her in our car, Devin and Vinny with me, I called the cops and drove her to the hospital.

"I hope she's okay." Devin cradles her head. I nod and pull into the hospital.

"Vinny get her." I get out and Vinny holds her limp body. We walk in and I start yelling for help. I get stares and looks of judgment. Although they end up helping.

We're pushed out to the waiting room. I huff and answer my phone blaring Misfits.


"Hey Chris, the man was arrested."

"That's good. They're checking over her right now."

"That was just luck huh?"

"That we found her, yeah."

"I was skeptical about going into abandoned houses but im really happy we did."

"As am i ." the girls nurse walks in and I nod to her.

"Hey Ryan, I gotta go. Meet me at the hospital." I hang up and walk to the doctor. Vinny and Devin come with.

"She's awake. That's for starters. She has some bruising around her throat but other than that, she should be fine."

"Can we see her?" The doctor nods and we follow her. The doctor let's us be and we walk in. This beauty of a girl is staring out the window. Her eyes flicker to the new presences in the room.

"Hey there. I'm Chris. These are my friends, Vinny and Ghost." She nods but keeps her eyes on me. It was silent until her quiet voice spoke.

"Thank you." I raise an eyebrow at her accent. I heard a strong Australian maybe?

"You don't have to say that. It was nothing." Devin smiled softly

"You saved my life." Vinny shows his boyish smile.

"Of course we did. But we wouldn't change it."

"I'm Jaynen. Jay for short."

"Well beautiful it was nice saving you. I hopefully assume you don't have a place to stay so that you may come live with us." She didn't say anything. Kept a straight face but nodded.

"Mr. Cerulli?" The doctor came in.


"She's able to leave now. You just have to sign the release papers." I nod and walk out so I can sign Jaynen's papers.

I hear Vinny and Ghost walk out with her.

"Ready?" I held my arm out for her to hold onto but she clasped her hands behind her back and nodded. I mean i understood. We just saved her from dying but I'll admit I was hurt just a little. I don't know why though. I barely know this girl. What was I going to do?

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