chapter 2

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Ghost's POV

I could tell that when she picked to come home with me, Chris was kind of hurt. I know he felt a connection. I didn't like this girl in that way. I had Kylie. I just felt like a big brother to her. Thats what I planned to stay.

Jaynen and I walked out to my car and we got in. I smiled to her and she just inclined her head.

"I have to call my girlfriend really quick, do you mind?" She shakes her head and stares out the window.

"Hello?" Kylie answers.

"Hey beautiful. Whatcha doing?"

"Just cleaning up why?"

"I have a favor." She sighs quietly.

"What is it?"

"Can I explain when I get home but it's a guest."

"Oh of course. I'll clear out the guest room." I smile and I hear her shuffle around.

"Okay babe well I'm on my way home now so I'll let you go."

"Okie. Bye Dev I love you."

"I love you too." I hang up and look to Jaynen. She raises an eyebrow.

"Kylie, my girlfriend, said she would clear out the guest room."

"Thank you." I nod.

"Of course." I pulled out of the parking lot and began driving home.

We got home and I helped her out. Even though she didn't want to admit it, I could see in her face that she was in pain. I unlocked the door and was greeted by Kylie.

"Oh my...who's this?" She looked Jaynen up and down.

"Oh guest. Can she borrow a pair of clothes?"

"Honey. I'm skinny but not that skinny." I noticed Jaynen look down a little and close her eyes. She really is deathly skinny. Maybe not holocaust skinny but way underweight. I walk her into the guest room and Kylie brings down a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"I'll let you be. Think you'll be okay?" I ask her and she sits on the bed. She nods and I smile. I walk out and I'm instantly and confronted by Kylie.

"Who is she??"

"Her name is Jaynen."

"Where the hell did you meet her?" Is she seriously mad I brought her here?

"The guys and I decided to go into a couple abandoned houses. We happened to find Jaynen. Being strangled by who we know now as, her kidnapper."

"So you saved her?" She sounded kind of guilty.

"Yeah. She got out of the hospital and we figured she had nowhere to go. We asked who she wanted to go home with or who she felt safest with she chose me."

"That makes sense. I feel so bad. I can t imagine what she's going through. She's beautiful in all honesty."

"She is and I think Chris has a thing for her."

"Awhl that's cute. Chris and her would be cute but he needs to give her time to open up and find herself." I nod again

Jaynen's POV

The next morning I got up and sat on the edge of the bed. It had probably been around 11 years since I actually laid on a comfortable bed. I look beside me and there's a set of clothes. Black ripped jeans and a pierce the veil sweatshirt.

Assuming they're for me I stand and put them on. I lay the other ones in their place. I hear the front door open followed by many footsteps. I open the guest room door. Expecting someone to be there just to yell at me to go back in my room I keep on guard. I walk downstairs. All eyes turn towards me.

"Hey Jaynen." One of the guys, who name I have yet to find out, said.

"H-Hi." They beckoned me closer and I willed my feet to move.

"How'd you sleep?"

"It was fine thanks for the room." Ghost nodded.

"Oh!" Chris says making me jump. "I haven't introduced the other guys."

"I'm Ryan."


"I am Balz. Joshua Balz." I give him the benefit of the doubt by giving a small smile at his attempt for a joke.

"And I am Vinny." I nod at all the new information.

"Are you hungry?" I nod eagerly. I haven't ate in the past couple weeks. Survingin off of the food my captor didn't eat. Which wasn't a lot.

"Haha okay. Well why don't you and the guys go watch some movies while in cook something?" Kylie told/asked. I nodded once more.

Everyone walked into the living room and there was barely any space. I saw Chris, he was my first option to sit with. But he's tall and I would just take up space. I look over and there's Ricky or Ryan. I go with Ricky just because he's small too. He smiles and scoots over. He wraps his arm around e and I lay my head on his shoulder. The physical contact was different but it was nice.

By chance I haooenedbto look over and I saw Chris looking kind of mad and disappointed at the same time. Does he not understand I just saved him from having to share a seat?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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