Chapter 2

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My alarm goes off and I pick my head off the desk. Damn, my back hurts. I walk over to the clock and turn off the alarm. Oh crap, I have to get ready! I walk over to my dresser and plug in my curling iron. While that's heating up, I get dressed into a white blouse and a floral skirt. Hey, I said I liked vintage remember. After I curl my hair, I head downstairs and find my dad and Carmen at the table. "Good morning, honey!" he says while putting down his newspaper. "Morning," I say and walk over to the table where a basket of toast sits in front of me. I grab a piece and spread the butter onto it. Once I finish I get up and grab my backpack. "I'm leaving now!" I yell as I walk out the door. "Charlotte! Wait for me!" Carmen yells and runs behind me. "Carmen what are you doing?" I ask her. 

"Walking to school with you...DUH!" she exclaims. "Carmen, we don't go to the same school," I say. "I know but your school is right across the street from mine," she says. "Oh great," I whisper. "Charlotte!" someone yells behind me. "Ugh, now what?" I turn around and see Aden running towards us. "Hey Charlotte," he says as he catches up to us. "Hey," I say and continue walking. "Hi! What's your name?!" she exclaims. "I'm Aden," he smiles, "and who are you?" "I'm Carmen! I'm Charlotte's FAVORITE sister!" she exclaims. 

"You're my only sister, you dweeb," I say, clearly annoyed. "Too bad she's not MY favorite sister," Carmen whispers. "Just wait til we get home," I say  to her. "Did I interrupt a cat fight over here?" Aden laughs. "She's just moody as usual," Carmen says and I give her a look. "Anyways, so are you two" she asks. "Carmen!" I yell at her and turn to Aden whose just laughing. "I'm so sorry about my IRRITATING little sister." 

"It's cool. Listen Carmen, I can assure you that we are most certainly not dating," he says to her. "Thank you," I say relieved. "Besides, she's not even my type," he says. "And what type is that if you don't mind me asking," I say. "Well you know, I'm into mysteries and literature and music and all that and you're well...moody and into vintage stuff," he says. "And?" I say. "And besides, I mean I could never date someone whose about the same height as their little sister," he smirks. "See! I told you that you were short! But did you believe me? No!" Carmen yells. "Well at least I don't have my mommy telling me when to clean my room," I snap back. "Well at least I have a mother!" he yells. 

"Oh..that was just cold," Carmen says. "H-H-How did you...?" I stutter then run away. "Good job Aden, you just blew it," Carmen says. "Charlotte!" Carmen runs behind me. "Are you okay?" she asks once she catches up.  "No! I'm not! I never want to speak to that douche ever again! How did he even know about our mom?" I vent. "I don't know. I, for one, didn't tell him. I just met him!" she says. "I know..." I say and continue walking to school. 


The bell rings and I report to homeroom. I move to an empty desk in the back and take out my journal. I have ten minutes to write before first period. I quickly start jotting down ideas until out of the corner of my eye somebody sits down next to me. I look and could not believe my eyes. Aden. "What do you want?" I ask. "Charlotte, I hope it's not too late to say sorry," he says. "A little too late," I say and keep writing. "I don't know what came over me. It's just that sometimes I don't know what to say to a pretty girl," he says. "Oooh, smooth man!" a guy in front of me says. "Um who are you?" I ask. "Oh hello m'lady, I'm Colby. I'm Aden's best friend," he smiles. "Second best friend," the girl next to him says. 

"And you are?" I ask. "I'm Meghan and I'M Aden's best friend," she says while pushing up her glasses. "Guys, trying to have a private conversation here," he says. "Oh right, right. I'm so very sorry ma'am," he says to me and bows his head. "It's okay," I laugh. They both turn around and begin to talk to each other. "I think that was the first time I've ever heard you laugh," he smiles. "Yeah well, I'm a pretty hard person to get to laugh," I say and continue writing. "I've noticed. One day I will make you laugh, I can assure you," he smirks. "Oh really? Good luck with that buddy," I smile. "So are we cool now?" he asks. "Yeah I guess," I say and the bell rings. 

I grab my journal and get up from my desk. "So madam, where are you off to on this fine fine Monday?" Colby asks me. "I have to go to Mrs. May's class. Do you know where that is?" I ask him. "Yes, it is around the corner, and the 2nd door on the right across from the water fountain," Meghan says . "Thanks!" I smile. "You have Mrs. May?" Aden asks. 

"Yeah," I say. "So do I," he says. "Oh just great. This is the best day of my life," I say. "It should be! You're hanging with the coolest guy around!" he says. "Oh please," I roll my eyes and continue walking. "Where are you going? The class is right here," he smirks. "Oh yeah I know, I was just....testing you," I say. "Of course you were Ms. Know It All," he shakes his head. "Shut up, I don't like you. Get out my face," I say and sit down. "I thought we were good," he says. "We are, but that doesn't mean I  like you," I smile. "Well damn, little girl," he smirks. "I'm not that short okay! I'm taller than this chair!" I defend. "Good for you!" he laughs and I shake my head. This kid is so annoying.


The final bell rings and I stand up from my desk. Today felt like the longest day ever and I was so glad that now I could come home. Everywhere I went Aden somehow just happened to SHOW UP. It was really annoying. As I walked outside, I heard someone call my name. I turn around and see Colby walking towards me, Meghan right beside him. "Why hello, Charlotte, fancy finding you here," he says and I chuckle a little bit. "How was your first day?" Meghan asks. "Pretty tiring actually," I say. "Well the first day is always like that," she shrugs. "So Charlotte, are you walking back to your home all by yourself?" Colby asks. "Nah, I'm walking with my sister," I say. "Oh your little sister, I see? That's a shame, I would've escorted you home myself," he says. 

"Oh it's fine, I've got to get going anyways," I say. "Well before you go..." Colby takes out his phone and hands it to Meghan. "Be a doll, would you Meg and take a picture of me and my new friend Charlotte." 

She hesitantly takes the phone "No problem," she says, weirdly. He walks over to me and wraps his arm around me, unexpectedly. Meghan takes the picture and shows it to us. "Ahh, perfect! What is your number so I may send you this wonderful picture?" he asks and I type it into his phone. 

"Alright, Charlotte. You have a great evening and I shall see you in homeroom tomorrow," he says. "Bye Colby! Bye Meghan," I say. 

"Bye," she says and walks the other way, next to Colby.

Well that was weird. I start walking towards Carmen's school and she runs right up to me. "Hi Charlotte!" she says. "Hey, how was your day?" I ask. "Mine was awesome! I made so many new friends! I met Stacy, Alex, Leah, Chloe, Manny, Bobby..." 

"Okay, okay," I interrupt. "Who did you meet?" she asks me. "Meghan and Colby," I say. "That's it! Seven classes and you only made two friends? I had six classes and made more friends than you! You said San Francisco would be a new start for you, but it's just like back home," she says. 

I ignore her comment. Carmen continues to ramble on as we walk home. Once we get home, I immediately walk upstairs and fall down on the bed. My phone buzzes and the picture I took with Colby shows up on the screen. 

Oh Colby. He seems like a nice guy, real funny and straightforward. I definitely like him more than Aden that's for sure. Meghan seemed kind of weird though just now. I stare at my ceiling for a good minute before getting up to grab my journal. I walk over to my desk, but notice it isn't there. Weird. 

I could've sworn I left it here this morning. I walk over to the other side of my room and notice a figure standing outside my room. I look back again and it's gone. Weird. It's been such a long day I must be seeing things. I walk downstairs. "Carmen! Did you take my journal?!" I yell. "No!" she yells back and I walk back upstairs. The journal sits on my bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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