Shining Silver

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"Hello, darling."

The voice rang through the air as you turned around. When you looked, however, the room was empty.

"Cut it out, Crowley. I know you're here," you said, growling at the air. Tapping your boots against the floor you grew impatient.
He was near, you could feel it. Though it wasn't a feeling that most knew - Sam and Dean certainly wouldn't understand - only a few minutes into this business did you realize you could sense when these bastards were there. You had a knack for it, intuition if you will.

"So you're the infamous girl I've heard so much about."
The coarse accent grabs a hold of you as he whispers in your ear. His lips trailed your lobe, sending chills down your spine. They were beyond soft; silk that you wanted to drown yourself in. Shivers. That was all you could feel at his touch. Your pride wouldn't let you accept it but you were frost bit on the inside yet so warm on the out.
How did he do it?
"You're much.."

Panting, you remained still. Your heart yearned to turn back, to see the man behind the rough yet darling voice - but you stayed frozen: stone.

"Much what," you patiently asked. You were more than perplexed by his remark - and though you desired to see his face, you wanted to know, no, needed to know what he was going to say.

"Much more lovely than I expected. And that's a true compliment coming from me."

"I'm sure you tell all women that," you add, a smirk on your face. You'd heard enough about him to know the game he played. More than charming at his worst, he could lure anyone in with a few simple words.

"No, sweetheart. You have to realize you're blessed with such..."
He pauses, and you can tell by the heat of his breath dissipating and reappearing that he was looking you up and down. He runs his hand from your shoulder blades down to your hips and continues, "such undeniably ostentatious beauty when someone of my caliber says so."

His touch was now warm, something that you only saw in the movies. The contact, small in the slightest, was comforting; it was invigorating. Who knew the king of hell would set your very world on fire?

"Your caliber?" You look dead ahead, still apprehensive on the matter. "Should I be curtsying, then?"

"Not just yet, hon. Though you'd look...exquisite on your knees, I need you for more important reasons."

His words caught you off guard. You quickly turn around, and what you're met with it something astounding.
He was wearing a black suit and tie, darker than the pits he probably crawled out from. His umber eyes met yours, and you were truly perplexed. They were partially what you expected: endless, desolate pools that led to what they were - nothing. And though they did reflect pure emptiness, something else was inside them. Something that set you off, but couldn't help and draw you in closer. Was it a yearning for more than this demon life, or was it a desire burning deep inside for something other than a change of pace?
"What could you possibly need me for?"

"As I've said, important things, love. You'll know when the time is right."

"But let's keep to the now, shall we? You've been running around with those boys. The Winchesters."

"Why does that matter?"

"If you can't tell already, Squirrel and Moose aren't the easiest of company."

"You don't have to say that twice," you interject. After all, remembering the times spent arguing with Sam over theories and lore, or the constant power struggle with Dean wasn't hard. It was almost like they planned to be against you.

"On that dreary note, you would look absolutely stunning in my collection, sweetheart. I do urge you to come with me."

Yes, he read your mind like a book. And whereas you'd usually want to tear someone a new one, you strangely didn't mind. Yes, he was a demon, and yes he was the epitome of what you killed for a living. But strangely, he took your hand without warning and sent you on the waltz of your lifetime.

Shockingly, you considered the offer. No, his charm wouldn't be your downfall. If you go out, it ain't now, and you'll be swinging.
"I don't think so, man," you mutter, pushing your y/c hair from your forehead. The sweat on your brow thickens, but you ignore it and continue.
"I know too much about you to trust anything you say."

"Oh really," he smirks, leaning in close. His eyes glisten in the light as he intently offers an ear. "Amuse me then, and tell me all about what you've heard."

"Well, you're a demon," you say. A handsome one, but certainly not the most trustworthy.

"Comes with the title."

"You sold your soul to live up to your ego, you screw everyone over you've ever dealt with, and you more than likely are trying to kill me."

"I'm a man of opportunity. You know a lot about that now, don't you?"

With an unbelievable chuckle, you turn away from him. How dare some suit walking son of a bitch bring up the past...and as if he was there. Blood boils through your veins and you reach for your salt gun.

"I didn't mean it like that," he says, reading your thoughts once more.
"Simmer down, love. I just meant that I may have done some irrational - to you, that is - things in my years. But only because success has been put at my grasp. I seize what's put in front of my eyes."
The king places his palm on your cheek, brushing it against your coarse skin. It was worn, tanned, but your face still had a hint of what it used to be. Incidentally falling into his touch - without being aware - he smiled and continued.
"I recognize the value of silver even when it needs some polishing."

Hello, Darling - CrowleyxReader SPN FanficWhere stories live. Discover now