A Dove

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Your skin starts to melt as you treasure the moment. His hand on your cheek, pulling you in. Everything about this was wrong, but something just felt so right. But who were you kidding? Crowley was the god damn king of hell, someone you should want burning at the stake. Literally.

The heat of the moment, however, had you by the heels. You were sunk in place as he got closer. He leaned in, and your lips met. Something as simple as a kiss was disparate with him. You'd had your fair share of men throughout the years, some incidentally not human ones. And not only that, but it had been a long time since you felt such intimacy towards someone. Nevertheless, this was different than all the others you trudged through. The King of Hell had set your world on fire; heat rose through your core as he ran his hand through your long (y/c) hair. No, this wasn't an ordinary kiss. You were ablaze, filled from the head down with the deepest and darkest sincerity. Your lonely thoughts took over as you committed this dark sin.

"That's a good girl," he whispered before congregating with your lips once more.

This couldn't be happening. He couldn't have reeled you in so easily. Yet there you were, trembling at his words and crumbling with insatiable lust. It felt more than right, it felt like your animalistic and carnal side came alive. You wanted more. Hooking your leg against his waist, you ran your tongue over his lips, tracing their outline. He groaned; it seemed that it wasn't just you drowning in pleasure. He swept you off your feet and pushed you against the wall. You raked your nails against his suit as he started to suck on your neck. You were intoxicated by his ways, your heart skipped beats while you moaned at the ecstasy.

Crowley began to chuckle; he reveled in this moment. Ever-so-evilly savoring the fact that you were under his control. At the snap of his fingers, you were ready to follow him through any flames he drug you through. It was true, you were supine before the face of the King.

"Now, now, Dove. Take it easy, we wouldn't want Squirrel and Moose to worry," he gently admonished.

In that moment, you snapped out of the haze. Chills go down your spine as you realize what you've done. You went too far. Catching your breath, you place your hand on your chest.

"I, I-"

"Not to worry, this will be our little secret."

Regret consumes your soul as you rethink your steps. How did it get like this? One moment you were set on ripping his head off if he tried anything, and the next minute you were ready to give him your all.
You needed out and quick. You planned it all in your head; eyes on the door you would run when the opportunity arose.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, Dove," he said, clicking his teeth and shaking his finger. He stood directly in your way. "It won't be that easy."

"Why do you keep calling me that," you ask.

"Well because," with a flick of his hand you're forced against the wall, defenseless. "A dove is a miraculous creature. They adapt to any situation with the snap of a finger."

You swallowed your spit and turned away. You knew this was bound to happen; letting yourself crumble under his grasp was your downfall. But even so, you wanted to know what angle he was playing at.
"And that has to do with me...how?"

"They're also enchanting, charming, if you will," running his hand through your silky hair, his soul peering gaze looked deeply into your y/c eyes.

"They symbolize love," he says, pointing to your heart.

"Grace," he adds, tracing your delicate features.

"Sacrifice," he trails your scars.

"And above all," he pauses, and tilting your chin up he grins.


"What exactly do you mean," you shakily ask. Your heart's in your stomach as you wait for his response.

"You're mine now."

"But we'll discuss the matter later," he grinned and let you loose.

Turning around he walked towards the door. As his hand reached for the knob, he looked back once more.

"I have business to attend to. Until we meet again, Dove."

Hello, Darling - CrowleyxReader SPN FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora