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It was an hour later. I knocked on the door. "Ana?" I said. I knocked again. No answer.

Dear god. She killed herself. You fucking idiot! This is all your fault.

I started screaming and crying. "Ana!" I collapsed to the floor and held myself.

What was I going to do without her?

I loved her.

She was my best friend.

She killed herself because you fell asleep and she snuck out, dipshit.

I got up and walked to the kitchen. I got a knife from the drawer. I sat on the floor in the living room, the knife in my hand. Just as I put it to my throat, the guys walked through the front door.

I had forgotten they all had keys.

Tony ran over and snatched the knife and hugged me. I sobbed.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked me. "Ana..k-k-killed herself. She's in the bathroom." I cried into Tony's arms.


Jamie kicked the bathroom door in. The floor was covered in blood. There was bloody fingerprints on the windowsill. Her paper sat on the sink counter. The window was open. "Uh, Vic...?" Mike said. "Sh-she ran away from me?" I said. "Apparently. 'Cause she's not here."

I called her and put her on speaker. "Hey, this is Ana! Leave a message." I cleared my throat. "Um, Ana..please come home. I love and miss you. We can talk about this." I hung up.

"Lookit." Tony said, looking at Ana's paper. I grabbed it. There was a drawing of her with a gun blowing her brains out. On the side, in her five-year-old hand writing, it said,'Things were getting rough, and I needed to clear my head. Finding me will be kinda rough, 'cause I'm spending the night in someone else's bed.'


I made a list of all of her friends. That I knew of, anyway.

Tiffany Wells

Oliver Sykes

Christofer Drew

Alex Gaskarth

Andy Biersack

Kellin Quinn

Johnnie Guilbert

Bryan Stars

I called all of them. One phone call bugged me, though. Oli.

"Yello?" He said. "Yeah, hey Oli. Have you seen Ana? She's gone missing." I heard whispering. "Nope. I hope you find her. Sorry, my phone's gonna die, good luck."

But another stood out. Kellin. "Have you seen Ana?" I choked. "Oh, no. Has she gone missing?" Kel asked.  "Yes! Fuck, Kel." I sniffled. "It's gonna be okay, Vic. I promise."

I then got a notification. It was an online ad. It had a picture of Ana last summer. She was smiling. The caption said,

Have you seen me?

Anarchy "Ana" Elizabeth Richards


122 lbs.

Last seen in San Francisco, California

If you've seen me, please call any of these numbers.

There was a bunch of numbers at the bottom of the ad. Some of them I recognized.

I checked the page this was from. It was Alex's. All of our friends--Ana's and mine-- had reposted it. To their pages, to other web pages. I printed a bunch out. As a walked outside with a stapler, I noticed bloody footprints leading to the road.

Tears pricked my eyes. I stapled the ads to trees, lamposts, and those thingys that hold up the wire dealys.

Where are you, Ana?

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