Chapter 1: The Unexpected Unwelcoming Surpise

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"Avery, if you kick it one more time its going to collapse and then you have to pay for a new one!" Derek says, as my foot connects to the punching bag. I smirk at him, and kick it again resulting in the chains to give out and the punching bag to collapse to the ground.

"You said it would take 20 kicks, only took 15." I say slyly. I take my gloves off, and grab my water bottle and take a gulp of water.

"You're still paying for it," Derek grumbles frowning and picking it up. Derek is my best friend and trainer. Derek is one of the guys that the whole female population dreamed about except me. Derek has light brown hair that is tousled naturally around his face, his brown eyes always dancing with mischief. He's taller than my 5"2 stature, but most people were. His body was visibly fit from training.

He was one of the few people who could put up with my sarcastic, rude, witty remarks. He supported my boxing fully being my trainer and was my dork of a twenty-one year old best friend. You see, Derek's father owned the gym but Derek became my trainer and best friend when he saw me beat a guy twice my size, two years ago.

"I'm broke, sorry bud," I say while grabbing a towel to wipe my visible sweat.

He stares at me wide eyed, "You? Broke? Av, your Dad is the CEO of Harting Enterprise! Are you forgetting that your Dad is a millionaire!" He says.

I grimace, "I'm not rich, my father is."

"That's exactly what rich people say!" He scoffs.

I shake my head, whilst throwing a black tank top over my sports bra. I always train in my sports bra because the training room doesn't have air conditioning. Even if some guys starts staring at me, I can just kick them where the sun doesn't shine.

But most of the guys here are cool, just because I'm a girl they don't go easy on me. "Look Derek I would love to stay and chat but my Mom's making me get a dress fitted." I shiver at the thought. My Mom is one of those mothers who wanted a perfect, girly, ladylike daughter instead she got me. Granted she has my younger sister Piper to play dress up with but sometimes she feels the need to dress me up.

As soon as the word 'dress' left my mouth Derek immediately began cracking up. He knew how I felt about anything remotely girly. "Man, that sucks. See you later Harting!" He calls as I slip flip-flops on and grab my car keys.

As soon as I leave the building, the hot summer sun of Darren Connecticut beat down on my back. I hop into my black pickup truck and start the engine. I turn the radio and drive away.

".... that's what makes you beautiful!"

As soon as those lyrics leave the speakers, I immediately switch the station. I hate One Direction. I wasn't one of those people who hated them for no reason. I had a valid reason.

You see, I used to live in Ireland. Mullingar to be in fact. I Avery Harting was best friends with Niall Horan. You know the blonde Irish sweet one? Yeah, we were inseparable.

When he auditioned for the X Factor at age 16, I was 15 and my Dad decided it was time to bring Harting Enterprises to the USA. So Niall and I said goodbye. He promised to text and call. That was the last time I've spoken to him. Shortly after, I moved to Connecticut.

He never texted, called, video chatted or emailed. I was heart broken in a way. Niall was my best friend and then suddenly he was on the cover of every magazine. So I hated him. Clearly he forgot about me, so why can't I forget about him?

I shook One Direction free of my thoughts, as I pulled into our driveway. I typed the code in on our black rod iron gate and it opened shortly after. I drove down the long driveway. I pulled into our garage and got out of the car. Our house well it was mansion but it was all stone and quite impressive looking.

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