"New Beginnings" (Part 2)

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"Get up, the doctor is ready to fix you girls up. To make you all look 'acceptable'." The guy who assigned our groups said as he eyed me up and down. I just rolled my eyes not having any strength to say something back.

When we entered the room the doctor had 3 pieces of what looked like lingerie. Each had a different color, blue, pink, or green; and they all showed tons of skin. It made me feel disgusted, they thought that we were all sluts who didn't care about their bodies.

"Put these on then come over to me so I can fix your makeup and hair." the lady said.

"Are you kidding? I'm not going on a stage in front of hundreds of men dressed like that." I scoffed.

The lady walked up to me and whispered in my ear "You will or I will have one of those guards strip you down and put it on you themselves. Or you know scratch that Mason could put it on you" She motioned to the guy who told everyone their groups earlier. Her words spent chills down my spine.

Lacie just cooperate and you won't get hurt I thought. I joined the other girls changing into their outfits. 

After we were all changed I sat down so the lady could do my hair. She did my hair in silence until I finally asked, "What do each group specifically do?" because I wanted to know what was in store for me.

"Well, you have the maids who clean, the feeders who all they have to do is give their blood to their master, And lust is basically only for sex, then you have you an infinitive who is a combination of everything." just as she finished talking she swiveled the chair around so I could see myself and to be honest I looked pretty bad ass. 

"I thought it fit your personality" she said softly and I couldn't help but smile.

After all of us were done getting ready Mason yelled "OK ladies! It's showtime!"

Mason went onstage motioning us to follow. "Now for the infinitive group" his voice boomed. When I walked on stage I was shocked to see all the men cheering and hooting for us. It made me sick.  When I looked over to one girl next to me tears were falling down her face so I grabbed her hand and held it to try to comfort her. She looked at me with a grateful expression.

"Boy do I have a treat for you all tonight" Mason said. That really fired up the crowd with very loud cheers. Then he gave a description of one girl and she was sold for $25,000 then the girl left the stage. Then he did the same thing to the other girl but she was sold for 50,000 and she too left the stage.

"And for our final auction of the night we have Lacie Sanders. Now she's a very feisty little thing, you should of seen us preparing her." the crowd chuckled. "Now Lacie is 5'6, weighs 138 pounds and is very healthy.  Her blood type is A positive. And she's a virgin!" I blushed at the private information he gave away. After all the crazy biding was done and over with I was sold at 1,000,000. Geez, it sure does pay to be a slave.

After I was taken off stage I was thrown into a tiny room about the size of a closet.

About after an hour later a man opened the door. I got up and tried to get around him but he slammed me up against a wall.

"What the hell!" I yelled.

"I'm going to enjoy building you up then tearing you back down and repeat till you beg me to end your life." the man whispered. For the first time since I got here, I was afraid. I knew he was my new master, but I promised myself one thing when I got here that I wouldn't show my master my fear.

"Ditto." I stated strongly.

"Oh, mistake number one slave. That's one brutal punishment when we get back to my castle." he said. 

I had nothing to say back.

 Later, I was shoved into the backseat of the car with my master in the front and a guard driving. It was late at night so i looked up to see a clear sky with shimmers of stars above. The nightlife looked so peaceful. That's all I remember thinking after falling into a deep sleep.

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