The room (Part 5)

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After talking with Luke, Damion basically dragged me all the way back to his room. Once we got inside he slammed the door and stood in front of it with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What is wrong with you! I could have easily walked back here myself. Maybe if you-"

"I never really thought of you as stupid, but some how you keep surprising me." Damion said glaring at me.

"what?" I said.

"How stupid are you to go roaming around this castle by yourself. What? Did you think no one else lived here? Because trust me slave, there are some vampires here that you never want to meet"

"Like you" I scoffed.

"Yea. But luckily for you, you're stuck with me." he said as he walked towards me.

Trying to divert his attention away from whatever he was about to do I said, "OK. Then what the hell am I supposed during the day?"

"Clean, supply me with some of your delicious blood, keep me satisfied, sit around and look pretty. Did they not tell you this in the Slave Market?" he said sounding annoyed. I glared at him.

"Never mind" I said as I turned around and started walking to my room.

"Ummmm. Where do you think you're going?" I heard him behind me.

"To my room asshole." I was honestly done with today. I just wanted to be alone right now. I didn't want to deal with Damion's stupid face today anymore. Just let be alone with my thoughts. please. Just let me walk away from you right now.


UHHHHHHH. Of course. Because why would he let me be alone. I turned around.

"Go get me my dinner from the kitchen" he said as he motioned towards the door. I looked at him and rolled my eyes and walked out the door. I don't get it, he just yelled at me for roaming around the castle but yet he sent me out by myself. That makes total sense I thought annoyed. I shook my head trying not to think about it anymore.

As I neared the kitchen I could smell the food. Once I walked in all I saw was chaos. Lot chefs preparing food and even more people eating at tables. All slaves I assumed. As I neared the counter someone stepped in my way. When I look up I saw a cheerful girl with blonde hair and was wearing some red PJs.

"You must be Damion's new personal slave" she said smiling at me.

"Uh. Yea. " I said looking at her confused at how happy she was.

"My name is Rose." she said cheerfully.

"Lacie" I replied with a soft smile.

"Great! So, my friends and I are sitting over there" she said point to a table " you should join us!" Thinking about it I was really hungry. I can't even remember the last time I ate. I know Damion will be upset but his impatient ass can wait a minute.

"Sure." I replied. After getting my plate of food, which was only a hamburger with fries, I sat next to Rose at the table. There were three other people at this table.

"Guys.....This is Lacie. Damion's new slave" Rose said.

A girl with black hair and was in a green tank top said "he actually let you come eat?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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