What it means

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There are many people in this world, but what I specifically don't get is why there are so many of us. I mean I get it, people wanna live a life around other people and experience the world-- but really what does that mean. Do we get a special award from seeing the statue of liberty or climbing a mountain? If you think about it we made everything we live with today, we made our own language, are own religion, and our own Gods. But if we made all of it upon our selves, is there really a God or does science take up the whole logics of our universe? Without me being all scientific and technological, I think I would like to explain the elephant in the room and give it straight that we don't live for a purpose, but we are simply just there to show a nuisance to God.

( If you enjoyed the second part please like and favorite it really helps me going, looking forward to make the next one. )

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