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Walking outside of the boathouse, 'I shouldn't leave' my self conscious was telling me, but Luke was waiting and he seemed angry already. I didn't really care about leaving the boathouse itself; let's face it, it was a wreck. I just didn't want to make Ashton mad. I kinda put myself is a difficult position.

I walked over to Luke's car and seeing him on his phone. Tapping the window, he looks at me and unlocks his door allowing me to come in. 

"Do you have your stuff?" He asks me, I shake my head 'no'.

"Go back in there and grab your stuff Lucy, I'm not having you stay in there with a douche bag like him, especially since he had sex with Cara. He's bad news and you know it." 

"Luke, he's not ba-"

"Lucy don't you dare say he's not bad to me. I know what he's like with girls. He may seem like a sweet guy but hell is he manipulative." I slammed the door not daring to look at him until I got my stuff and got back to the car.

I looked around for my duffel bag. It was nowhere. I looked in the blankets that were on the mattress. The boathouse wasn't big so it had to be somewhere. 

I eventually found it in the bathroom under the sink after what felt like hours. 

"About time you found your stuff, c'mon lets go." Luke huffed, grabbing my bag and leaving the boathouse.

We got back to Luke's house. The ride was eerily quiet but I felt comfortable with that instead of getting given a lecture from Luke. 

I walked into his house, being greeted by Liz. "Hello Lucette, how are you darl?"

"I'm pretty good thank, yourself?" I smiled warmly at her, Liz was always so welcoming when I came over. I always felt like I could come here and be comfortable with everyone. 

Luke took my bag and I followed him to his room. I sat at the end of the bed fiddling with my fingers. "So.."

"What Lucy? I'm not going to lecture you about how much of an idiot Ashton is and how much of an idiot you are for still have some sort of contact with him."

"I'm sorry that I was about to go to a boarding school because my 'attitude' seemed to change and that my parents could potentially be getting a divorce. He was the only person that I could reach out to."

"Are you fucking serious Lucy?" He was standing at his door frame, tensed and he looked furious.


"You should of fucking called me. You should've rang me I don't care what time it fucking is, I am your best fucking friend. I know you more than the next person does." He was breathing heavily, and his eyes weren't the vibrant blue that I usually see, they darkened. 

"I didn't know if I could ring you, I just thought Ash-"

"You thought that Ashton would sweep you off your fucking feet and it would be happily ever after. News flash Lucy, it's not a fucking fairy tale. Ashton dumped you in a wrecked old boat house. He couldn't have the decency to take you to his own home. He had to take you to some creepy ass boat house. If you called me you would be here. You would be in a safe home."

"I don't care about being in a boat house. At least I had somewhere to stay Luke."

"You're not listening to me Lucy. If you called me you would've been here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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