Oh Boy

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Lu: This is about the most annoying boys at school.
*Cue the Face Palming (ノ_<)*
There are too many to count. Waayy too many.
It is a CROWD of boys!

Mika: Yes. These boys are SO annoying, it's not even funny.

In the mornings, they either play rugby or bull rush on the concrete. Not only that, but if you happen to be walking through this zone, you would be flattened like a pancake.

A few of our friends literally got crushed by them. Including me, Lu.

The First Accident:
The first accident happened near the beginning of the year. It was during lunch time. About three boys were messing around and 'play fighting', I guess.

Lu: I kinda saw half of it. Saw boys playing. Turned around. Heard screaming and ooooooo's. Turned back around to see a girl in pain, holding her neck and crying.

It was really bad. An ambulance came. The girl ended up going to the hospital because a stupid boy LANDED ON HER HEAD!
She kinda broke (?) her neck? I dunno?
Well... Yea. She had to wear a cast thingy around her neck.

The Second "Accident":
Mika wasn't there this time. It was in the morning. Sittin' with my mates. Pretty far from the crowd of boys playing rugby. Talking to each other about assessment...
Then a random boy COMES FLYING AT ME AND ROLLS OVER ME! I was wearing a jacket and thought that my elbow was fine but it was not. I scraped it, in my jacket, on the concrete. Maahhhhh. It was bleeding a little bit but not too much.
The boy was one grade younger than me. He kept on apologising over and over again and asking if I was ok. He was pushed by another idiot that Mika and I knew since primary.

The Third ""Accident"":
This is when we were all sitting by the pole. The boys were playing rugby. I didn't even notice the group of boys, all bunched up and coming closer. This time they landed and rolled over on my best friend instead. Yea, mah BEST FRIEND. She was "ok", like she said.

The Fourth """Accident""":
The same thing happened... AGAIN! They rolled over another one of my friends.
Lu: I told her not to sit there. (ノ_<)

There were so many accidents. Even Lu was bashed against a pole by a guy TEN TIMES BIGGER THAN HER!!!
There may have been some other accidents that we missed too... yeaaaaa.

*** NOTE. This was a chapter we wrote last year. Now, in 2016 they just run around the WHOLE school! ***

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