Chapter 3

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Authors Note

Sorry I have not been writing, I will try to do more! This story is going to have at least 6 chapters by the end of January!


'The.... Tower?', Naruto said to the old man with a questioning tone. 'Yes. And I am sorry you were put here. I am Rob' The old man replied. 'What? Why are you sorry? I'm Naruto by the way!' Naruto said in short bursts. 'SHUT UP' A man outside of the place Naruto was in shouted. Naruto took his advice. Naruto then fell asleep, He would get answers tomorrow.

Naruto's POV
I lifted my heavy eyelids and looked around, I was in what looked like a cell with the old man Rob and lots of other people. 'I guess your new huh? I'm Erza, I don't have a second name....', the newly named Erza said, Erza had red hair of the deepest red, aka. Scarlet. I was introduced to some other people, 'Sho, Simon, Wally, Milliana, and Jellal'. They all seemed nice. I was about to ask what we were doing here but then a man burst in with a glowing spear 'MOVE! YOU FILTHY SLAVES!' He said. I followed his advice and rushed out with the others.

1 year later Naruto's POV
'I am tired of this!' I said. 'They work us to death and torture us when they are not satisfied!' I said. 'Naruto we all feel the same' Erza said. 'Erza you know that neither I, You, nor Naruto are going to let this happen much longer' Jellal said. Rob sighed, he hoped they would not try anything.

The next day
Sho was being held up by a guard. He had attacked one of the guards! 'Well little boy I thing you need some... DISCIPLINE!' The guard said and lifted his spear. He was about to hit Sho with it when BANG! A stone imbedded itself in the guard's head.
'Oh I'm sorry my finger must have slipped while you were trying to kill that kid' Naruto said casually tossing a rock up and down in one hand. 'Naruto?' Sho whispered. 'GET HIM!!!' An army of guards swarmed Naruto and dragged him off. 'GIVE HIM BACK', Jellal screamed and hit a guard with a shovel. 'Well if your so brave you can JOIN HIM' A guard shouted. More guards swarmed Jellal and dragged him off too. 'No...' Erza whispered with tears in her eyes.

Naruto's POV
I opened my eyes. I was tied to a block of wood with a man in front of me. 'You should not have fought, now be PUNISHED!' The man said and pulled out some torture tools.

1 hour later
Naruto was covered in cuts and welts. 'WHY WON'T YOU BREAK!?!?' The guard screamed. 'Because...Your an asshole...' Naruto managed to say. 'YOU DARE! That is IT! I am going to give you something much more... Lasting' The man said with a dark chuckle taking out a knife. A bloodcurdling scream pierced the air.

Authors Note

And.... Done! This was chapter 3. Hope you liked it. Ok so next chapter I am going to skip what happens to Jellal in the torture chamber. If you want to know. Watch Fairy Tail!

Thanks for reading.... BYEEEEE!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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