can you keep a secret?

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, trying to come up with a chapter so, this is the best I can do and I can see it in my head but when it comes to typing it...its like a car wreck in my head then a big lorry comes along adding to the mess. :/

Nevertheless here we go and don't kill me if its not good.


Wriggling out of Tyler's hold I sighed and looked at Stefan, he knew what I wanted. We had already talked about this, I wanted to tell my friends that I was a vampire. The reason being, the honest reason was I was sick of having to try and cover everything up.

"Ok guys take a seat and Samy and I will explain everything." Stefan said. I ran up to him and hugged up. I looked at Tyler.

"Could you text the others and get them here as well? This is something that everybody needs to know, and yes Tyler it will explain all about that dart." I said while debating or not to tell Damon or just leave it.

"Whatever we tell you guys, you can not, under any circumstances tell Damon. He can not know that we told you." Stefan said, well I guess that answered my question then. Everybody had arrived and I was pacing back and forth while everybody watched me, including my own brother.

"Sam!" Matt kind of said but yelled at the same time. Caroline had got up and came over to me, she gave me a hug and then pulled back.

"Hey, whatever it is, you can tell us. We will be there for you. I promise." She than sat back down.

"Don't make promises you can't keep Caroline." I said while pacing again. I decided to just come out with it but answer Tyler's question as well.

"Ok, Tyler you wondered how I was fast enough to catch the dart. Caroline you wondered how I was fast enough to catch that pram. How I can tell that when we were at Tyler's last week I heard Matt asking Bonnie if I was ok, when you guys were in the kitchen and I was in the living room." I said while going to stand beside a letter opener that was conveniently placed on the side board.

"How the hell did you know that?" Matt and Bonnie asked at the same time. I picked the letter opener up and threw it at Stefan, while everyone yelled in alarm and outrage, my brother caught it with ease and didn't even flinch.

"Lightening fast reflexes, strength that I don't look like I have and the ability to drink two bottles of vodka in the one go." I looked at everyone's face, they all looked scared. Suddenly a movement out of the corner of my eye had my full attention as Stefan threw the letter opener back, aiming for my chest. I caught it and sighed, this was my favourite top, it was white with gold swirly patterns on it.

"Ok, I am kind of freaked out now. Explain. Tell us what's wrong." Jeremy said. I looked down took a deep breath and looked back up.

"Stefan, Damon and I are...vampires." I slowly walked over to the couch and approached Elena first.

"You...Stefan...WHAT!??!?!" Elena yelled then jumped up and ran out. Stefan went to go after her but I told him to give her space.

"Anybody else who wants to leave please do so now." I said while pointing to the door. Bonnie, Matt and Jeremy got up and left. Tyler stayed and just started into space. Caroline walked over to the drinks cabinet and poured herself a large glass of scotch.

"Er...ok somebody say something?" Stefan asked to nobody in particular.

"Ok, vampires really Sam?" Tyler asked. I sighed and used my awesome vampire speed to reach him and pushed him back against the couch and made my face vamp out.

"Believe me now?" I asked while getting up, or trying to. Tyler pulled me down so that I was sitting in his lap.

"You don't scare me Sam, nothing you do could scare me." He said while stroking my hair. I sighed and used speed and strength to pull him off the couch and slam him into a wall.

"SAMY! STOP!" Stefan yelled while pulling me off him. I looked at Tyler and sighed, immediately I felt bad.

"I a so sorry Tyler, I just don't understand why you aren't scared." I said while turning around to see where Caroline is, fast asleep on the couch.

"Sam, it's ok. I am not scared I actually think its kinda cool." Tyler said while giving me a hug. At that moment Elena walked in followed by Bonnie.

"I should be honest as well, I..." Bonnie started.

"Are a Bennet which, I knew Emily. She helped me. She was like a sister to me." I replied while slowly walking towards Bonnie. Bonnie flew into my arms and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back. I pulled away and looked at Elena, I slowly opened my arms and smiled. She, like Bonnie, flew into my arms and hugged me.

"Wait, your boyfriend doesn't get a hug?" Stefan asked fake pouting. I laughed and at that everything seemed to be ok. Only thing was Matt and Jeremy. Also Damon, I hope to god or whoever up there that he doesn't find out that I told, he will kill me.


YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPE THIS IS GOOD :D XXXXx

Went to town today, got flip-flops, at last! So really happy lol ,

well anyway, again I hope this is ok/good/it will do. lol

Goodbye awesome people.

Misha xx

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