The Airport

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Bella's POV

I tap my foot on the floor of the plane while listening to one of my favorite songs, "Smells like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. I've been sitting in this seat for 5 hours now and I was beginning to become very impatient. The last 5 hours were spent listening to some of my favorite bands including Nirvana, Linkin Park, and Evanescence; I'm not really into bands like One Direction which is ironic considering I'm related to one of the. The plane began to descend slowly and steadily. It's not really scary to me; some people get scared as Planes descend but it doesn't phase me.

I've never ridden a plane before so it was all new to me, as well. The feeling can only be described as strange. I do have a fear of heights which led me to not wanting to look out the window.

When I got off the plane? Well, that was when the fear kicked in. I began to become terrified at the thought of anyone picking me up other than Harry. I didn't know if Harry was coming or if he would send someone to pick me up. This land was foreign to me and I was completely lost. As my mind raced, I thought of the possibility of Harry picking me up. Surely, his manager wouldn't allow that because he would get mobbed by all of his fans. He informed me earlier that there was a chance I would get mobbed too, just for being his sister, so I have to be on guard.

I walked into the airport and instantly felt overwhelmed by the size of it; the one at home was so much smaller than this. As I admired my surroundings, I pulled out my phone to text Harry.

Where are you? I'm here.

Within five seconds of me sending the text, I get a reply. 

I'm with the blonde kid, wearing all black. You'll find out why once we get outside. Don't let anybody know your Bella Styles. Except the staff. You don't want to get attacked. 

I looked around and found them within five minutes. I run up to Haz and hug him. I've missed him so much. He hugs back, "Miss me?"

"You have no idea. Life's been rough without you." I said and I meant every word. We had to move to a different house with a killer security system so no crazy people could get in our house and kidnap us or any crazed fans stealing Harry's stuff.

"How about you tell me what I've missed while we are in the car, yeah?" He asks before noticing me looking at his friend with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, I should probably introduce you guys. Lets start walking and I'll introduce." He starts walking and we both follow him. "His name is Niall. Niall Horan. He's also part of 1D, but you already knew that. He's my bestest friend. We grew closer once everybody started doing stupid crap. He's like you in some ways like he eats a ton." 

Niall looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "He's not lying. I can eat two large pizza's all by myself." Niall said in an almost cocky way. Harry started talking again, 

"Niall will also be teaching you our songs today and tomorrow. So you guys will have lots of bonding time so I don't want any funny business." 

Harry's POV

I didn't really like the idea of Niall and my sister spending time alone, but if I had to choose one of the boys then it would definitely be him. I mean, He's a sweetheart and he's probably the only one other than me that can actually get my sister to open up. 

She didn't tell mom and I until it was getting worse and worse.  Her ex-boyfriend, Shane, threw her through a glass coffee table once. She didn't tell either of us. We found out through our family physician while she was getting her sports physical for the school year. The doctor found a piece of glass still lodged in her arm. When he went to take out the glass she cried. Her skin had grown around it and the doctor didn't even give her anything to numb the area. I have never seen my sister cry like that before. 

Then she started dating this guy named Theo. I didn't approve of him at first; I still don't approve of him 100%. I have my reasons but he's not like Shane at all which is a silver lining. He's just really clingy and thinking about it now, I feel that he has always been that way. From my understanding, his parents were divorced like mine and he wants to be an actor some day. Theo and I were friends at one point in time but then he slept with my sister while she was drunk, taking advantage of her vulnerable state. Mum doesn't know because Bella made me promise not to; a promise that I felt ashamed of keeping. I fear mum will never know about Bella's traumatic experience; one that she refused to believe.

Theo also threw a house party at my house while mum wasn't home as well and because Bella was blinded by his "love," she let him. Bella and I had to clean up the whole house before mum got home which sucked and was unfair.

Bella, Niall and I walked outside and made our way to the car miraculously without getting noticed. It was strange because I figured Directioners would have noticed my sister and we would have been done for. We all packed into the car; Bella sitting in the back with the boys while I took shotgun. I figured it would be ok as long as Niall and Liam were sitting next to her because Liam is responsible and I trust Niall,

I looked in the mirror to see Niall looking at Bella with sorrow. I wonder what that look was for? Did he know about Shane? 

I saw the way Niall looked at her. Like he had to protect her. I never noticed that about him. He was really protective over our family. But he also looked at her like he was sorry. Did he know about the whole situation with her and Shane? Shane is from Ireland. So he might know.

Within the first five minutes of the car ride they already had found something they could all talk about.

Liam, Louis, Zayn and my sister were having a really in depth conversation when Niall all of a suddenly intervenes, "I'm starving, can we go get Nando's?" Typical Niall. He's in love with Nando's I'm sure if that restaurant was a girl Niall would marry her.

It was liam who spoke next, "Niall, there aren't any Nando's in New York."

Niall whines and Bella starts laughing, she was more of a Subway kind of girl. Always was, always will be. She was always so happy. 

"How is there not Nando's? Nando's is my girlfriend." Niall says like the restaurant is a datable object. 

"This is why you don't have a girlfriend." Louis states.

Bella's POV

We finally get to the hotel we are staying in. It is a five star hotel with an indoor pool and hottub. My kind of place. We will be staying here for the next few days. The inside of the hotel is made of a bunch of antics. There's even a fountain in the inside. The water for the fountain comes from the mouth of a brass swan. It's so pretty. I was amazed by the sheer beauty of the hotel. Niall checks me in since Harry is carrying all my stuff. Niall walks to the elevator and puts his arm over the door so it doesn't shut on Harry and I. d

Once we walk into the elevator Niall hits the button to go to my floor. Which is the 5th floor. Hopefully there is a good view. It's been a dream of mine to be in NYC. Not because I wanted to be on Broadway. But because I wanted to watch Broadway. I just want to be a teacher when I grow up. I love to be around children. So much. 

Niall and Harry escorted me to my hotel room. I walked in my room. The room had blue walls, a white bed with a blue throw blanket to match the walls. Don't even get me started on the bathroom. There was a huge shower that could be turned into a steam shower if I wanted too. This place is amazing. Reminds me of Erudite HQ though. I walk to the window and open the blinds. 

I had  a balcony! And it was over a pool. It was amazing the pool had the prettiest blue color I had ever seen. It was absolutely beautiful. I start crying at the sight of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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