Chapter 7:

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•Cheline's POV•

As i enter the room, i felt akward with him...

You know because of the kiss... Arggg!!! Soooo akward!!!

I just sitting in the chair while he is looking at something...

"Ahm, sir.?.." I said while blushing

"Yes?" He ask me..

"Ahm, about earlier.. About th-the ki-kiss.. Im sorry.." Argg!! So akward!!

Now he is looking at me...

"It's okey, let's just forget about that..." He said.. I just nods..

Why i am soooo clumsy???

For him that is easy to forget, but for me it's not.. That was my first kiss you know!!

(Many months Passed)

"Cheline!! Come here!!" I heard sir james calling me...

I go to him... Oh?

Am i still the one who noticing that sir james is more handsome when smiling compare when he is wearing his serious face?? I smiles..

"Our rating is going up!!" He said..

"Is that so air james!?? Good to hear" i said... Im happy for him and for his company..

"Thanks fory you and your brilliant ideas..." He said while smiling...

"Your always welcome sir james.." He walks toward to me and higs me...

He surprise me in his action..

"Thank you.."

I blushed..

What was that??!

Why my heart is beating sooooo fast!!!


Done :3

Pls do




Thanks :)

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