Chapter 9:

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•Cheline's POV•

Im still looking at the wondow when suddenly someone tap my shoulder..

"Oh??" I look at someone whp tap me...

"Oh? Shawn.?" It's shawn and another male..

"You okey??" She ask..

"Yeah.." I said

"Oh?? Okey.? Btw this is luke john clarkson my boyfriend.." She said while grinning...

"Hello.." I said...

"Hi.!" I need to ask her..

"Ahm, can i borrowed you girlfriend for awhile???" I said to luke..

"Sure.." He said..

Then we go to the comfortroom

"What's the problem??" She said..

"Do you know what is the meaning of.. When you look at someone then your stomach? You can feel that their is some butterflies inside.." Her eyes widen..



What did she say?? Im Inlove? Im Inlove with my gangster boss??

How can i be prevent not to fall with him more... Im just his secretary and he is my Boss...

•James Harris's POV•

(Many months passed)

"Ahm, sir can i talk to you privately.??" She said.. Oh?

"Sure.." She close the door..

Then looks at me.. Huh?? What's her problem??

"Ahm.. Sir i keep this in myself for many months... But now i cant keep it anymore.." She said .. Her face is so red..


Done again :)

Pls do




Thanks :)

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