Zoro X Reader : New World

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Happy New Year! Hello everyone I hope your all doing great, I want to introduce you to my new story I hope you all enjoy it hehe! 

Oh yeah if you guys have Tumblr you can follow my one piece ask blog which is

Ask The Straw Hat Pirates

you'll immediately spot me when you see Trafalgar Law's funny face.

And you can Follow my on here 'Wattpad' and get updated on the latest Fan fiction!

Now lets begin!!

(Y/N) : Your name

(F/C) : Favourite colour

(E/Y) : Eye colour


It was pitch black I couldn't see anything, It felt like I was falling endlessly I was to scared to open my eyes so I kept them closed 'Where am I? Where am I going? Am I dead?' I thought to myself as I kept falling.

"What is your wish (Y/N)?" I could hear a voice of a man.

"Who are you? Could you help me? I don't know where I am! And how do you know my name?!" I shout back hoping the voice could help.

"What is your wish (Y/N)?" I heard the voice once again.

"Wish? Can I wish for more wishes?" I ask not taking the voice seriously

"Hehe your a funny one (Y/N), I knew choosing you was the right thing to do"  He laughs 'I was chosen?'. "Okay let's not waist anytime I'm taking you to a new world".

"A new world? I'm falling endlessly so it won't surprise me if you take me to this 'New World'" I say and start to become a little comfortable I change my position so I won't fall face first to whatever awaits me and I open my eyes.

"I will only let you stay in thIs world on one condition".

"Okay what's the condition?" I ask as I become curious.

"The you cannot tell anyone their future" He says as I become shocked.

"Okay even if I wanted to I couldn't, so I'm cool" I state.

"If you do tell the future I will take you away from the dream world and erase all your memory not just of me and the new world it also includes the memories of yourself, you would become an empty shell, do you understand?" 'wow that was deep'  I thought to myself.

"Sure...." I reply.

"But before you enter the new world I want you to eat this, hold out you hand" I obediently follow the voices' orders and I feel an object placed into it and I start to eat it

"Oh god this tastes horrible! What is it?" I ask as I swallow a bitter object.

"We don't have anymore time (Y/N), This is farewell I hope we don't see each other again because if we do it won't be good, go forth and your wish will be grabted".

"Wait you didn't even tell me where I'm going! And how do I survive there! You can't do this to me!!!" The suddenly I could see the light "Wait I'm still falling no special landing? Hey voice are you there!?"

I look down to see the open sea "WAIT THE SEA!! You've got to be joking!" They only thing I could do was scream "AAAAHHHHHHH I DON'T WANNA DIE!" I flip so that my back faces the water to scared to face it

------Zoro's POV-------

I was sleeping soundly until I heard something 'A scream? That's impossible we're all the way out in the sea it's not like someones gonna fall from the sky' but then I heard it again I get up and start to look around then I look up only to see a small figure falling from the sky 

Zoro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now