Chapter 2

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As Lovino slowly awoke, and before he even opened his eyes, he realized that he was definitely not in his home. If he had been, the bed would not be this soft, and he would not be in so much pain. He would hear Feliciano singing and Grandpa laughing and right now he heard none of that. Opening his eyes revealed him to be in a strange, unfamiliar bedroom. Sunlight streamed through a window and the distant smell of something cooking wafted through the only door in the room. Lovino tried to remember what had happened the night before, but his mind was muddled by pain and he couldn't seem to place the feeling that something was dreadfully wrong.

Before he could figure out what, a man backed through the door, humming merrily with his arms full of medical supplies. He turned around and started slightly as he realized Lovino was awake. "Oh!" He exclaimed brightly. "You're up. Good, I was beginning to get a bit worried." Lovino shifted suspiciously. "Who are you?" He asked. His question was ignored, however, as the movement sent a sharp jolt of pain through his body, causing him to cry out. The strange man's eyes widened and he ran over to Lovino's bedside, dropping the bandages and ointments he held onto the bed. "Careful!" He said, "you'll pull the stitches I did on your back."

"My back..." Lovino's eyes snapped wide open and his thoughts became clear. His memory of the previous night came rushing back: the chase and his capture by the poachers, and the events which had followed. "That's right... Those bastards, they-" he broke off with a choked sob. "DAMN THEM!" He yelled, trying to get up. He couldn't even raise himself up off the pillow before gasping in agony and collapsing again as pain arced up through his back to where his wings should be. His caretaker reached over and held him down gently before he could hurt himself further. "Shh, calm down. You must stop, you will only injure yourself." 

The angel sniffled, but knew the man was right and did as he was told. "What, like more than I am already?" He asked bitterly.

The man grimaced. "Yes. I know that it must have been awful, when they cut off your... your wings, but I promise you'll be okay. I'll make sure of it!" He said, a grin that didn't really meet his vivid green eyes flashing across his face. Lovino snorted at the lame attempt to make him feel better, but he began to calm down just a bit.

The panic that had taken hold of him and caused his heart to race was still there, but it no longer had such a tight hold of him. The stranger spoke to him soothingly and rubbed his arm lightly, and it actually helped lower his racing heart and unsteady breathing.

Now that the overwhelming terror was gone, complete and utter despair at his loss struck Lovino's heart. His pride dissolved and he burst into tears, for once not even caring who saw him. Lovino's caretaker wrapped his arms around him, careful to avoid his injuries. The Italian fought against him, not wanting his pity, but he had a grip like steel and seemed determined not to let go.

Lovino gave up, sobbing into the stranger's arms as he screamed and cursed the hunters who did this. The man who had saved his life rocked him back and forth, whispering to him until the angel's tears finally ceased and he just felt empty.

No anger, no grief, not even embarrassment about his current position, crying into the arms of a complete stranger.

I wonder, he thought, what Feliciano would say if he saw his strong big brother lying in a bed and weak from blood loss, having lost my wings to hunters because I was stupid enough to fly beyond the protective boundaries. That I had been so idiotic as to wander through the forest in plain sight, completely unaware that I was being followed.

Lovino almost laughed as he thought of what his Grandpa would say if he saw him. He'd probably hit Lovino for being a moron and cry about his wings, then go off in a crazy rampage to kill the hunters who had gone after his grandson.

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