Chapter 11

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This was not a solid plan. was Antonio's first thought upon entering the shed. As soon as the poachers turned at the noise of them breaking in all hell broke loose. Feathers and guns flew in every direction as the angels slammed into the wall of thugs, while Antonio raced Roma to the chair holding a dumbfounded Lovino.

"What- how- OH THANK GOD!" The Italian yelled as the two reached him. Roma looked torn between hugging Lovi and setting him free before he gathered himself and helped Antonio rip the duct tape off. Lovino tugged at his wrists and ankles, finishing off as much of it as he could until at last he was able to stand up from the chair.

The young angel was immediately enveloped in a hug from his grandfather, which he wasted no time returning. It only lasted about three seconds though, before the sounds of fighting registered and a bullet hit dangerously close to the trio.

Antonio quickly jumped to shield his boyfriend, moving him closer to the door. The battle raged on, the poachers trying in desperation to rally themselves. Though the poachers had better firepower, they were thankfully unprepared for the sudden onslaught of furious angels.

However, the element of surprise didn't last long. Soon the battle was equally matched, with the conflicting sides flying at each other viciously. Most of the guns had been tossed aside, either from lack of bullets or because an angel had wrestled it away from his or her opponent.

Antonio and Lovino were fighting their way towards the door when suddenly a body struck the path ahead of them with a loud yelp. The small angel groaned as she curled around her left wrist, cursing wildly and in her right hand swinging a... Was that a frying pan?!-- in the direction of whomever she was fighting.

Lovino dropped down next to her and caught the girl's attention. "Elizabeta, you okay?" He asked. Her eyes brightened at the sight of her family member, but it didn't go unnoticed by any of them the way her gaze flickered over his back, where his wings should have protruded.

"Never better, kiddo. Just gotta--" Elizabeta stopped as she hauled herself to her feet, using her frying pan as leverage. "--take care of something."

She finished with a grunt and flung herself back into the fray, whaling on the chosen victim of her anger. Antonio winced as he went down hard and the Hungarian angel continued on her spree.

Lovino shook his head in amazement, staring after the woman. It wasn't until Roma shouted a warning that they realized a poacher had gotten up and was pointing a gun at Lovino.

Lovino's grandfather swooped over and pounced on the man, but not in time to stop the bullet from shooting out.

The only thing that saved Lovino was Antonio's academy training. Fast as a viper, he sprung at his boyfriend and knocked him from the path of the bullet.

Unfortunately, that also meant that Antonio wasn't able to get out of the way in time. The pellet of hot lead pierced his leg just above the knee, passing through to the other side.

Lovino cried out at the same time as Antonio, immediately scrambling to check the wound and telling him what a fucking idiot he was. Antonio simply groaned and let out a puff of air, trying to keep it together.

Roma came back over and helped Lovino tug the Spaniard to his feet. Together, the pair of them supported him to the door, someone else quickly taking Roma's place as he went back to join the fight.

Antonio felt himself being laid on the ground, someone (probably Lovi) telling him to stay calm and practically losing it themselves.

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