Chapter one: '' When something ends, something new begins. ''

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Somewhere in the middle of the long, crowded streets of London, in one apartment on the third floor,today you could hear a lot of annoying noise, and that was pretty odd since that was more than a quiet part of the town. People would think that someone's being killed inside, but, no. It's just an usual day for Mona Avery, a wizard girl, spending her summer in the Muggle world. She has started her adventure in one totally unexpected, but wicked way. 

" Nooooo, Jonathan don't throw pizza on the chandelier! " Mona shouted as she ran into the living room, carrying a bottle of strawberry juice in her left hand. 

" Oh, is another pizza over yet? " Jonathan, a tiny, blonde boy, around 8 years old, with bright blue eyes asked Mona, turning towards her. He looked like an innocent angel, but he was one hell of a child.

" Not yet. But It'll be over once you wash your hands. " Mona quickly sat on the sofa that was in front of the TV. 

" Fine. '' Jonathan rolled his eyes and slowly stood up. He basically pulled his legs, not raising them from the floor, but Mona doesn't mind. As she realized that Jonathan left the room, she took her wand out and with a little bit of magic, she cleaned all the small mess and pieces of pizza that were all over the room. In split second everything disappeared and Mona smiled proudly, placing her wand inside in the pocket of her black jacket. Once Jonathan walked into the room, his mouth were open in shock, and his eyes were wide open too, like they're going to pop out. 

" What happened to this room? " He asked, sounding amazed. 

" What happened? " Mona asked in a sleepy voice. She stood up and looked around the room. " Wow, it's like magic cleaned it. " She said and chuckled, taking a sip from the juice bottle. 

Two knocks were suddenly heard in the hall, behind the doors of this small apartment.

" Mum and dad! " Jonathan yelled happily, and a big grin appeared on his face. He ran out of the room, but Mona just stood there, smiling, with her hands in her pockets. She felt happy for the child, because he was happy with his family, and she knew that , that is never going to be the part of her life again. 

" I never saw our house this clean! " Mr Armstrong giggled and looked at his wife, Mrs Armstrong. Both were young and tall, blonde with blue eyes, like they were brother and sister. 

" Oh please, Jeremy. " Mrs Armstrong smiled and took her wallet out of her pocket. " Here, and here is bonus for taking tare both of our son and our house. " 

" Thank you, I appreciate it. And Jonathan was so nice and polite, I have to say. " Mona said proudly, and took the money from Mrs Armstrong. " By the way, there's pizza in the oven. " 

" You even made pizza! " Mr Armstrong gasped. 

" It was no problem, I got bored so I made it, Jonathan helped. " Mona winked to Jonathan and he smirked. 

" You're wonderful! Can we be in contact? Maybe you could babysit Jonathan some other time? " Mrs Armstrong asked, but Mona quickly frowned and shook her head. 

" I think not, but thank you anyway, goodbye! " She said quickly, with a smile on her face. 

" Goodbye, and thank you so much Mona, you rock! " Jonathan yelled as Mona left the apartment, slowly closing the door after her. 

This was her usual day in this summer vacation - babysitting Muggle children. She actually enjoyed it.  She loved to see their happy faces, and also to earn some money, since she has to pay some money to the Ministry of Magic in order to use magic in the muggle world. It was hard to convince them but Mona's not giving up easily. She was only afraid of parents, but they apparently didn't even notice that she made the application for using magic in the Muggle world. She felt bad, but also satisfied. Muggle money could turn into the wizard money, and that wasn't the problem, which meant, that there is absolutely no problem. Expect of where to live, but gladly, Hermione offered to help. Most of the time, Mona would spent with Hermione in her room, being her company and telling her jokes sometimes, to cheer her up while Hermione was doing her homework. Hermione's parents accepted Mona quickly.

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