Chapter two: " Can this moment last forever?"

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Mona's P.O.V.

It's late, I don't know what time is it, but the moon appeared on the sky a long time ago, and darkness covered the Burrow and all its surroundings. So I guess it's couple of minutes behind midnight. I just couldn't sleep. Every time I tried to close my eyes, I felt some kind of uncomfortable feeling all over myself. It tickled and hurt at the same time, and it wasn't better while my eyes were open. It was just hard to breathe, it was like my chest were filled with something bittersweet.
Everyone around me was in a deep sleep, or at least it looked like they were. Hermione was asleep, Ginny was asleep, Ron was asleep and of course, twins were asleep. I was the only awake person in this whole room, and probably in this whole house. I guess that everyone had a peaceful night. The moonlight illuminated the room just enough so I could see my shoes under my bed, and my jacket over them. I suppose I'm going for a walk tonight, no sleep. Carefully, I moved the jacket away, and put on my boots, making sure that I'm not going to wake up anyone. I sneaked out of the room, but that wasn't as hard as the stairs. At each step, the stairs creaked, and at any moment someone might think that I'm a thief who has come to rob the house. When I came down the stairs, I quietly ran to the door, through the kitchen, and tried to open it. It seems that the door wasn't locked. Maybe they have too much trust in society, or still, maybe I have too little trust. Well that's a good theme to think about, and I have whole ni-

" You're going somewhere without me? " A sleepy voice suddenly cut the peaceful silence, and Immediately I turned my head to the source of the voice. I saw George, looking funny and cute at the same time with his messy red hair, trying to keep balance while he's walking. I chuckled.

" I woke you? " I whispered and closed the door.

" I suddenly woke up and you weren't there, and you know, I was worried. " He said and a small smile appeared on his face. " Where are you going anyway? "

" I can't sleep. " I answered and sighed. " I just... can't. So I'm going outside, I don't want to spend time in that room, listening to your snoring. " I said this time a bit loudly, and we both silly grinned.

" So, you're not a werewolf or something like that? " He asked and walked to me, still grinning.

" No, but I can still bite. " I said and opened the door again. " Are you coming with me? "

" Definitely." He nodded and we walked out of the house, slowly closing the door behind us. We walked for awhile, alone together.

" It's a beautiful night. " I said softly, looking at the sky. " Look at the sky, George. Do you see our Butt constellation? "

" Hmm. " George raised his look, and looked at the sky too. " Nope. " He shook his head and looked at me. " Do you? "

" Nah. " I shrugged and bowed my head, looking down. " I guess It's only visible from the Hogwarts' lands. "

" That's even better, no one can steal it from us." He whispered and tangled his fingers with mine. It seemed like our fingers were playing a game. We giggled, trying to... Well I don't know what we were trying, actually. After few moments, we stopped our 'game' , and just hold hands still.

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