Life of the Characters

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Chapter 1

There is a girl who named Bianca Ysabel Evans. People called her Ysabel. She was half Chinese half Spanish. She felt like her family are the ones who just loved her. She had brother and sister but they were in different mom. Before her dad had a living partner (they were not married) named Jennifer and her half sister was born named Shermaine. But later on they broke up. Her dad left Shermaine to her mother cause Shermaine's grandparents don't want her to go with her that and she was only 2 years old that time. Then second her father had a living partner again named Carolyn they also had a child named Adrian Carson. They also broke up but this time Her dad take Carson with him. And finally her dad married Bell. They had a little girl and that was Ysabel. She grow up with her dad,mom and her brother. When Ysabel was 5 her brother was 10 rebel. Because he felt like he was no one in the family and that they only loved Ysabel. Ysabel know that Carson was only her half brother but she love him because he want to have a older brother to always protect her. Her brother lived with her grandparents named Zenaida and Rolando Evans. They were called Mami Da and Dadi Do. They were the parents of her father Jason Evans. Years ago Ysabel will study Highschool in Chenryl Academy with her brother.

I want you guys to know that this story might have seductive parts but you can skip cause before the chapter start I'll tell if there is a scene part not suitable for you. Please continue reading love you lots.

--- Veronica ---

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